Author Topic: What servicing to do?  (Read 10943 times)

Offline althor

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What servicing to do?
« on: March 12, 2009, 01:38:48 PM »
Greetings All,

I just took over a 2005 Latio sports which will be due for 37,000km servicing. As i do not have the servicing history for the car, I do not know what type of servicing should i do next and where to do it. I was told better to go back to TCM, but was thinking since the warranty is over so no point going there.

Does TCM keep records of the past servicing? If not will it be better to service at AS or RV? If so what type of servicing to do?

And also recently, when my car stop at traffic junctions, i can feel a bit of vibration. Is this normal?

Offline robtan99

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 02:14:38 PM »

TCM will keep track of all servicing records.  Just go to and key in your vehicle no and password.  Probably you need to ask TCM to reset your password.

Greetings All,

I just took over a 2005 Latio sports which will be due for 37,000km servicing. As i do not have the servicing history for the car, I do not know what type of servicing should i do next and where to do it. I was told better to go back to TCM, but was thinking since the warranty is over so no point going there.

Does TCM keep records of the past servicing? If not will it be better to service at AS or RV? If so what type of servicing to do?

And also recently, when my car stop at traffic junctions, i can feel a bit of vibration. Is this normal?

Offline althor

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2009, 11:00:56 AM »
Thanks bro. Got the servicing history from TCM, their CS quite efficient. My next servicing will be C, cost $422 in TCM, or $260 in AS. Think i will go to AS, cheaper. Or any other recommedations pls?

For the TCM account/password, as i am not an advantage member, TCM says i cannot have a new account. To be a advantage member, must sign up NPMP..... sian. Is NPMP better or going for single servicing each time at AS? Base on my usage, I think i will need 1 year to clock 10,000km.

Offline robtan99

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2009, 10:44:39 PM »

since you are already out of warranty, it is better to go outside servicing.

I started going to autosaver for my 60, 70 & 80k service.  You can try other service centre like riverviewauto.  Personally i like to go Toh Guan Autosaver for service.

Thanks bro. Got the servicing history from TCM, their CS quite efficient. My next servicing will be C, cost $422 in TCM, or $260 in AS. Think i will go to AS, cheaper. Or any other recommedations pls?

For the TCM account/password, as i am not an advantage member, TCM says i cannot have a new account. To be a advantage member, must sign up NPMP..... sian. Is NPMP better or going for single servicing each time at AS? Base on my usage, I think i will need 1 year to clock 10,000km.

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 08:58:43 PM »
Any one here have tried the STAR workshop for their servicing?

Offline Ying

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2010, 09:31:43 PM »
What servicing to do?

That's was my question for the last few days. I did some research and here is my little sharing.

Just did my 80k servicing for my yr05 CVT latio. The car was service by TCM since day 1 under NPMP. Somehow, I decide to give other workshop a try. So I go AS (Abandon Ship?) for the first time. No because they are cheaper but I just want to see things done with my eyes.

I drove to both Defu AS and Kaki Bukit AS before I decide to do it at Defu. Defu side have more car lift and wider service area than kaki bukit. While they service my car, I take a closer look at different part of the car for sign of wear and tear. Service is good for the amount of time I spend and they are easy to talk with. overall AS is  :thumbsup:

- first thing, the EO. Because there are cars on the lift, so they jack-up my car to do normal EO drain and refill. If you are their member, they will do engine flush ( pour a bottle of Redex engine flush and let the engine idle for a few minute) before the EO change. They did not use vacuum tube to suck out the oil from oil pan like some workshop do but they use air gun to blow. Other than their Erev EO, you can add $30 for Mobil 1 or Valvoline EO.

- Radiator, normal drain and refill. They help me to remove and wash my dirty coolant reservoir so that I can see the clear green coolant again. No chemical cleaning option, ok mine dont need that yet.

- Brake, My most happening part. Car was on lift with wheels being removed.

•   Front : My RUNnSTOP rotor still look good after ~10k the front pads wear were even.BUT! one side damper broke and the other crack. ($35/ea, not change yet). Lower Arm bushing a little crack still ok. Caliper dust seal crack, they advice me this have to replace soon or later else front brake might jam. The caliper repair kit( the seal and O ring) cost $105, Labour another $60. Ordered.

•   Rear : the cause for my recent brake problem= >Both rear pump leak and shoe left with <2mm. (pump ~$20/ea to be confirm, shoe $125/pair, labour $10~$20) Ordered.   

- Wheel, balance and check pressure. They did not check my spare, will ask them to check when I do my brake service later.
- then some other simple check.
- clean the engine bay with 3M spray, Tyre with another 3M spay. Vacuum Cabin floor.

That's It.

Now, look at the "Major servicing package". For CVT, I don't need ATF replacement nor spark plug change at 80K but this is somehow factor in the package. Ok you can ask for some discount but don't expect much. CVT owner still lose out on any "80k package" that design for AT car. If CVT latio change spark plug, we pay extra $215/set + $60 labour on top of the package. If your car is AT I think they just charge you the spark plug cost, labour for the AT model was part of the package!

Not too long ago I got a almost new air filter from a member here so my air filter still clean. They deduct ~$10 from the $260 package. OK, I change my mind, I pay the $10 and ask them to give me a new air filter in box. Where else can I buy a $10 Nissan original air filter? So for the bro who use non standart filter and use AS package, pls get the cheap filter and sell it here to benefit other member and yourself.

After I left then I realized I am using frameless wiper but forgot to ask for wiper discount. So I will ask for a new set of wiper when I do my brake service next week.

After knowing what was actually done and what was just a simple tick on checking list. I think I will start searching for cheap Nissan stockist and bring my parts to WS and ask them to change what need to be change.  BTW, our CVT sparkplug is only $110/set from MXtrading and ~USD$10+/each on amazon.

Offline robtan99

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2010, 10:04:23 PM »
Bro, i always do my servicing as AS.

AS for parts, normally i always get from stockist and let AS fix it during my major services. 
But do take note getting from AS is more convenient as you have only one point of contact though paying more. 
Sourcing out is gonna cost you tons of time comparing around.

I remember changing these few things below, see the comparison:

front lower arm bush-
   AS: 198 each + 40 labour each
   stockist: 125 each + 40 labour each

Pulley Oil seal leaking due to wear and tear at 120k
   AS: 40 plus + 40 labour
   stockist: 6.50 + 40 labour

KYC excel shock absorber (front + back)
   AS: around 900 plus including alignment
   stockist: around 400 plus including alignment

Anyway, just my few cents worth of thinking.

Offline wooks

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2010, 11:26:26 PM »
where to  get stockist? :confused1:

Offline pizzaboy

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2010, 11:41:59 PM »
autoaid is another option for Nissan owners to bring their car for servicin...

Offline Ying

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2010, 09:27:46 AM »
Bro, i always do my servicing as AS.

AS for parts, normally i always get from stockist and let AS fix it during my major services. 
But do take note getting from AS is more convenient as you have only one point of contact though paying more. 
Sourcing out is gonna cost you tons of time comparing around.

bro, can you pm me or post here if you still have the contact of the stokist you get the list of item. Thanks

Offline ckyc

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2010, 03:00:31 PM »

Whatever you do, please DO NOT sign the NPNM package from TCM because it sucks and TCM servicing sucks.

I had the package from 10km to 50km, and all the promises/brake pad/belts they mention in the package = bullshit.
In 4 services, they only change 1 x wiper for me - so cool...

Whatever problem you tell them they will tell you ok will action. Then when you see the service report, its the usual - "Check suspension, Ok" "Check Brake pad, OK", everything OK.
Until your warranty over liao, package over liao then everything spoil needs to change.

When i ask them how thick is my brake pad during one of the service because they need to make the change if its below 5mm. they cannot answer. I think they don't check anything at all, just see how much distance you travel & bullshit you.

I was so angry that i refused to sign out for my car. The package is not cheap, and u dont get what you paid.

 :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Offline ckyc

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2010, 03:08:54 PM »

Whatever you do, please DO NOT sign the NPNM package from TCM because it sucks and TCM servicing sucks.

I had the package from 10km to 50km, and all the promises/brake pad/belts they mention in the package = bullshit.
In 4 services, they only change 1 x wiper for me - so cool...

Whatever problem you tell them they will tell you ok will action. Then when you see the service report, its the usual - "Check suspension, Ok" "Check Brake pad, OK", everything OK.
Until your warranty over liao, package over liao then everything spoil needs to change.

When i ask them how thick is my brake pad during one of the service because they need to make the change if its below 5mm. they cannot answer. I think they don't check anything at all, just see how much distance you travel & bullshit you.

I was so angry that i refused to sign out for my car. The package is not cheap, and u dont get what you paid.

 :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Offline jovially

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2010, 08:05:31 PM »
bro ckyc,
care to share which service centre you use to go.
I have same bad experiment with Ubi centre.

Offline Ying

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2010, 08:49:02 PM »
so bad? I did my 40k to 70K at TPY, got change ATF, Air filter, belt, wiper, light buld etc. Service is ok ok only. I would say NPMP is convenient and hussle free for some owner. Pay nett price for 2 years of service.

My car is over 5 years old. If I don't get a closer look at the car condition now and replace those wear and tear item before they totally break down, I would have to pay a huge repair price when the minor problem become major problem. I think replacing all those item including the shock etc should be a few k in total, still cheaper than changing a new car for me. For that reason, I think it will be better for me to go to a workshop that still service old yet running good cars. At least they know what to change to maintain a healthy old car.

Offline NSman

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2010, 10:44:26 PM »
lol.... did your service report checked on "Spare tyre air pressure check" when your spare tyre are laying in your storeroom??
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Offline Ying

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2010, 12:34:04 PM »
lol.... did your service report checked on "Spare tyre air pressure check" when your spare tyre are laying in your storeroom??

hmmm... how come I never try that for my npmp  :D.

For SG driving, you can keep tyre in store room since many tyre shop across the island.

btw, AS only give me the bill, no individual item check list. i will be good to have do you own check, sometime they forget to do some thing. Like they actually did not flush my aircond gas as part of the 80k service but it was almost 6pm and I just service my aircond in Jun so I just keep quiet. next servicing I will go early.

Offline alangohek

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2010, 09:19:45 PM »
bro ckyc,
care to share which service centre you use to go.
I have same bad experiment with Ubi centre.

You can try the bukit timah branch. When I was on NPMP, I will look for Steven tay.

Offline clarence

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2010, 01:54:40 AM »
So Tan Chong Motors actually held back changing all the wear and tear parts included in your Nissan Preventive Maintenance Program (NPMP), and changed them only when your NPMP has expired, and charged you for these parts?

This is unacceptable of such a large car authorised distributor workshop.


Whatever you do, please DO NOT sign the NPNM package from TCM because it sucks and TCM servicing sucks.

I had the package from 10km to 50km, and all the promises/brake pad/belts they mention in the package = bullshit.
In 4 services, they only change 1 x wiper for me - so cool...

Whatever problem you tell them they will tell you ok will action. Then when you see the service report, its the usual - "Check suspension, Ok" "Check Brake pad, OK", everything OK.
Until your warranty over liao, package over liao then everything spoil needs to change.

When i ask them how thick is my brake pad during one of the service because they need to make the change if its below 5mm. they cannot answer. I think they don't check anything at all, just see how much distance you travel & bullshit you.

I was so angry that i refused to sign out for my car. The package is not cheap, and u dont get what you paid.

 :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Offline Enzoni

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2010, 07:38:20 AM »
but to be fair, 10k to 50k actually nothing much to change, at most fan belt & wiper etc

brake pad can last more than 50k for sure

Offline dtkl

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Re: What servicing to do?
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2010, 10:56:20 PM »
Is it better to sign NPMP after 50k servicing?  Mine reaching 50k soon.  Heard from friend is better to sign up after 50k servicing when is time to change wear and tear parts.  And  also to opt for the Shogun EO.