Author Topic: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners  (Read 21670 times)


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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2009, 10:57:41 PM »
its good 2 invest in a atf cooler 4 the auto box as auto oil could get heated easily under hard driving or jam

Offline liewks

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2009, 09:16:33 PM »
Might be a throttle body problem rather than the CVT. Makes the car jerk when moving slowly, engine revs but seems to have zero torque and the idle is flaky...

Offline leclub

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Fuel float
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2009, 04:53:22 PM »
Ok. I have my story too. My car currently at 45K mileage. Around 35+ period, a numerous problems with my CVT ride.

Below are my fair shares:

 - Rear drum brake knocking sound with slight braking (Renew drum brake assembly)
 - Loud humming sound from aircon compressor (Renew compressor and refill freon gas)
 - Knocking sound from steerting (Renew steering shaft & snap ring)
 - Engine pinging (Renew ECM)
 - Fuel guage not accurate (Renew fuel float)
 - Engine vibration & knocking sound when accelerate (Renew engine mounting insulator)
 - Power loss - (Renew CVT transmission assembly)
 - Belt noise - (Renew belt shaft, bracket, pulley & retension belt)

Up to date, I still having the engine pinging and knocking sound when accelerate. I will need to go and bug them again. I am not sure if it's just my car only or it is normal since I do not have any other CVT Latio to compare with.  :unsure:

haha... i juz went on my 70km services and replace the fuel float.
Those that experience their Latio fuel indicator dropping from Full to in between 3/4 after driving for a few km better go & change while still under warranty  ;D

Offline maverick_2007

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Re: Fuel float
« Reply #43 on: August 30, 2009, 01:33:53 PM »
haha... i juz went on my 70km services and replace the fuel float.
Those that experience their Latio fuel indicator dropping from Full to in between 3/4 after driving for a few km better go & change while still under warranty  ;D

I suspect my car having this fuel gauge problem... Any idea how much they charge if warranty expire ?