so the stock battery which comes with our car is MF one or normal conventional one ??cos i didnt refill batt water since day car now is 20 mths old...
It is recommended that you replace your current stock battery with Tan Chong before its 24th month as it comes with a 50% discount.
Thanks for the info~~!so how much will the batt cost after 50% discount ??if change after 24mths, no discount will be given ??
thanks clarence...will definately get it changed b4 the 24th month...
got mine change at TCM - 25% MF battery INDIGO. Been using stock battery slightly over 2.5 years.No problem but want to have peace of mind when travelling to KL recently. Will see how MF perform whether can last like stock one. If not, will revert to conventional type. Cheers!