Lucky day for me, wife soak my jeans togther with keypouch in washing machine overnight... only realise in the morning.. thought gone liao.. key pouch still in jean on hanger... immediately take, go & try on my car,, lucky latio can still detect key... else donate $$$ to TCM .. wonder what's the damage for changing at TCM?? So to all Latio bro out there... before your wife need to wash your clothing.. better make sure your key pouch are safe with you...else...
Yes, the ikey casing is very well designed. I had mine in the wash and only fished it out after the spin dry cycle.It worked.Being curious, I opened it up to check. Completely dry inside.Brilliant.
Hi guys, pardon me, off track a bit, where can i find a key pouch suitable for our i-key? Been looking for one but can't find, most are either too bog or small.Thanks.
I didnt know they give out free key pouch, something new...Where is 3rd floor? I have been there so many times i thought the whole premise only single floor?
how does the Free key pouch looks like?? Can we get it from Ubi TCM?
Yes they do give away free key pouch when you collect your car. They will either attach the key pouch to your iKey or your spare key. For my case, I asked for an extra key pouch so that I can have one for my iKey and one for my spare key....
yes juz provide the recep with ur car reg no. & SE name will do...u can juz pomp any SE u like for eg. mr lee, tan, wong watever surname u can tink of
actually, is the TS referring to i-key or keypouch surviving the water test?