Author Topic: Newbie to Latio  (Read 16071 times)

Offline jovially

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2009, 10:55:05 AM »
... and we gotta pay to get mp3 playing HU ourselves outside

I don't need MP3 and was told new batch additional 10K.
so same la, after a few months, they want to clear stock, the price will drop again to around 60k too.

Offline scoobydoo

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2009, 01:20:29 PM »
how long did you wait to collect your car after securing COE?
i was just told earliest is 17 Nov... wtf... paid extra 2k, waited 1+ week for COE, now still gotta wait 2 weeks to get car

this is indeed a very lousy purchasing experience

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 01:22:39 PM by scoobydoo »
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Offline jovially

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2009, 02:59:38 PM »
how long did you wait to collect your car after securing COE?
i was just told earliest is 17 Nov... wtf... paid extra 2k, waited 1+ week for COE, now still gotta wait 2 weeks to get car

this is indeed a very lousy purchasing experience

was told by my SE 14 to 18 days.
yesterday sms me and say will push for early delivery. I ask her to take her time.
pass me the car in perfect condition. don't need to rush

Offline Zippy

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2009, 03:47:31 PM »
how long did you wait to collect your car after securing COE?
i was just told earliest is 17 Nov... wtf... paid extra 2k, waited 1+ week for COE, now still gotta wait 2 weeks to get car

this is indeed a very lousy purchasing experience

Chill out, man... i think waiting 2 weeks after getting COE to collect is very normal... i also waited 2 weeks for mine. My SE told me fastest is 10 days, but normally it's 14 days.

Offline dsrio

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2009, 03:56:45 PM »
price wise i think heng/suay one lah, once you sign liao forget it lor, just wait for your car and enjoy it, i think most important is not to get a lemon, else how cheap also  :bandhead:
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Offline clarence

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2009, 04:12:38 PM »

Once your COE is secured, the following works need to be done to your car before it is delivered to you.

1) Drive car out of warehouse
2) Wash interior and exterior, and polish car
3) Tuff Kote car, if you requested for it.
4) Send car for window tinting
5) Rip apart velvet seats and install leather seats
6) Take out steel rims and install sports rims
7) Install hi fi head unit
8) Tune engine and replace battery (for YOM 2008 stock)
9) Final inspection at Tan Chong and touch up of any faults

All these takes time.

If they speed through the process, you will get more headache if these after market parts are not fitted properly.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 04:14:15 PM by clarence »

Offline scoobydoo

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2009, 04:54:51 PM »
oh ic ic... thanks for the feedback, didn't realise it takes so much time to prepare the car. i tot most of the things should have already been fitted in advance since the premium and basic models don't share the same body and also using different engine, unlike models which uses same body/engine but differ by bodykit and upholstery. those that need fitting would be the extras that's not part of the stock deal... hmmm

anyway, this is my virgin deal for a brand new car, all my past 老相好 are used, settled in a matter of days. record was, all settled within 1 day... but that was in Australia  :w00t:
plus my bro told me its a short process to sort out the admin (he said his new matrix from Komoco came within 1 week after securing COE), thus was disappointed when i heard 2 weeeeeeks... times are different :ohmy:
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 04:57:43 PM by scoobydoo »
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Offline tayyw76

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2009, 05:00:50 PM »
TCM need additional 1 week to sure that you will enjoy your ride the moment u step into the car.... :yehyeh:

Offline Mr_chr|s

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2009, 06:51:31 PM »
hi guys,

juz a rough guide from my purchase from tan chong at july09 period.

Mine was Nissan Latio Sport preimum 1.5A, extronic CVT engine. side mirror comes with folderable.
1. brought at $61,999
2. omv around $19600+
3. coe around $14500+
4. manufacter yr 2009.

Free item requested from the SE are:
1)  window visor
2)  car mat
3)  1 * jvc touch screen dvd player with usb and ipod connector
4)  1 * reverse cam
5)  Standard free servicing 1k, 5k and 10k,
6)  Rust protection
7)  Paintwork protection.
8)  solo firm. (cant remember vcool or what brand) will update this again

Additional requestto my SE: 50% discount for body kit. (which in the end make it happen for me)

u can just request above list from them for ur wish list. just request from them ask them make it happen. After they make it happen then u start do the talking.

hope these data help.

Cheers. :devil2:

« Last Edit: November 14, 2009, 01:36:40 AM by Mr_chr|s »
live a life where there is no tml.. make decision that you wont regret for life!

Offline fluxc

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2009, 03:28:36 PM »
Hi, anybody can provide me with their reg no/ sales invoice no? right now, i m only getting free bodykit and tats all =(... i am paying $200 for solar flims. Spoke to my SE tat i want to have side mirror auto-folding controller, rust protection, paintwork protection for free,(which almost everyone is getting) but he told me to provide him with a reg no/ sales invoice no, then he will be able to speak to his boss.....

Any kind bro/sis can help out?
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Offline ben5266

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2009, 03:58:59 PM »
Hi Fluxc, you might have got the best deal as bodykit is the most expensive one.
May cost $800. So, you have "used up" the discount a salesman can give.
Solar film cost is about $350. You pay $200, that's another $150.
So in total, you got almost $1k off from the salesman, which I think is very good deal already.
Or, at least, better than my deal.

Offline fluxc

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2009, 04:07:08 PM »
o.O...wat freebies did u get? besides the gps
Pioneer AVH-P4150DVD, Helix Cap33, Helix Dark Blue 2ch, Helix Dark Blue 4ch, Helix Dark Blue 62.1, Helix P203 Precision 3"mid, Dark Blue 62C, Helix Deep Blue 12" Subwoofer

Offline ben5266

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2009, 05:09:40 PM »
$500 off in total. $200 is from NAC as I was ex Nissan owner.
My membership expired in somewhere 2008, or else I will get $500. This is what they told me.
Gps is from the salesman. So kind of him to give me, as it is not negotiated when I signed the contract.
And plus the solar film. So total discount I got is $500 + $350 + $200 (GPS) =$1050.
You got better deal if we minus off the NAC privilege.

Offline tweakmax2

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2009, 05:26:02 PM »
It depend on how much loan u take. Juz got my latio premium this week. Loan 30k for ten yrs.
Got free dsr bodykt, solar film, alarm, system 6 paints protection and floor mats. I tink its ok la. 


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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2009, 05:35:11 PM »
wow tweakmax2 ur deal super good leh...  :bleh:
I book last week, negotiate for system 6 and rust coat + solar film + non-DSR body kit...
end up can only get body kit and solar film... as for system 6 SE say he can help me arrange for cheaper price when i need it...  ;)

Offline scoobydoo

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2009, 06:06:43 PM »
It depend on how much loan u take. Juz got my latio premium this week. Loan 30k for ten yrs.
Got free dsr bodykt, solar film, alarm, system 6 paints protection and floor mats. I tink its ok la. 
i paid higer price, took high loan (with a whopping interest) but got only solar film, alarm and side mirrors with signal lights, plus lots of frustrations as freebies :crying:

you are not the most unlucky one :(
Drive Safe + Ride Safer = Better Chances of Recovering Our Blood-n-Sweat CPF $$

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Offline Mr_chr|s

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2009, 01:35:34 AM »
Hi, anybody can provide me with their reg no/ sales invoice no? right now, i m only getting free bodykit and tats all =(... i am paying $200 for solar flims. Spoke to my SE tat i want to have side mirror auto-folding controller, rust protection, paintwork protection for free,(which almost everyone is getting) but he told me to provide him with a reg no/ sales invoice no, then he will be able to speak to his boss.....

Any kind bro/sis can help out?

hi fluxc,

i think even provide that invoice to your also useless.. cos most of the time it all depend the SE.

May i know which area u went to?
how much loan u gonna take?

for mine deal, i think i got a veri super deal. my loan was only 27k. but i wack the SE to get all my wishlist done. so mayb u juz have to wack him up again. cos ur the customer.. bargain power..

if u need more advise, mayb i intro my SE to you lor. thats the best i can do. but have u tested ride b4?

live a life where there is no tml.. make decision that you wont regret for life!


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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2009, 06:53:34 AM »
er......actually if you guys are taking OCBC loan, the GPS ish free one lor....

didn't know about rust and paintwork protection, are they important? thought it's bundled by how much if I were to do it? gotta check my Isaac liaoz.....

Offline jovially

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2009, 08:25:44 AM »
er......actually if you guys are taking OCBC loan, the GPS ish free one lor....

didn't know about rust and paintwork protection, are they important? thought it's bundled by how much if I were to do it? gotta check my Isaac liaoz.....

Refer to the this link:-
You may call them up to ask. BTW, not sure TC using them or not or they have their own contractor.
BTW, you do not need to re-spray every year, up to individual. for me will do it once every 2 years. ;D
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 08:38:24 AM by jovially »

Offline expresso

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Re: Newbie to Latio
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2010, 07:43:29 PM »
Hi guys, is rust and paint protection a standard item when u buy the car? I heard from SE tat there is no tuff kote applied to our car. Paint protection is system 6.
Any advise?