Author Topic: Ikey light keep flashing..  (Read 11517 times)

Offline jovially

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Re: Ikey light keep flashing..
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2009, 07:45:50 AM »
Just changed my battery today. I discover that there are different battery brand out there and it is better to get back Sony (same with the original one). Before that I bought a "camelion" battery, after changing, green I key keep flashing.

Yesterday went to TC, they check the battery voltage but found nothing wrong with its voltage but Green I key keep flashing. Changing to their battery then no problem. $10.70 for a tiny battery from TC is too ex. So decidede to get it from ABC shop and it cost only $2.

a bit confuse. so if i-key (green) keep flashing before starting the engine - normal?
if i-Key (green) keep flashing after start the engine - battery weak?
If i-key (red) keep flashing - cannot detect i-key

Offline baobao

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Re: Ikey light keep flashing..
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2009, 03:01:48 PM »
yo.. just bought a CR2025 battery and replaced it.. quite easy.   :smile:
i measured the old battery and its 2.9v le..  it is still healthy as its a 3v battery..
new one is about 3.2V. but flashing light is off after battery replaced..

Offline wamphyri

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Re: Ikey light keep flashing..
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2009, 03:36:27 PM »

Sometimes I do have that problem but the reason is because I place my ikey in the same pocket as my mobile phone. I think the signal from the mobile phone causes interference with the signal sent my our ikey. I make it a point to put the ikey in the pocket not containing my mobile phone and the problem was solved. :yehyeh:

Hope this helps.
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Offline rocket

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Re: Ikey light keep flashing..
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 08:09:13 PM »
yo.. just bought a CR2025 battery and replaced it.. quite easy.   :smile:
i measured the old battery and its 2.9v le..  it is still healthy as its a 3v battery..
new one is about 3.2V. but flashing light is off after battery replaced..

voltage will be lower than 2.9V with load.


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Re: Ikey light keep flashing..
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 09:03:11 PM »
i juz changed my ikey batt today but ikey still act like batt low  :(

the batt i used is not sony was bought from some pasar malam stall some time back...
think hv to change to sony brand and try again  :(