Singapore Nissan Owners Group
Nissan Car Lounge - Almera, Juke, Latio, Qashqai, Sylphy, Teana Owners => Latio => Topic started by: davidtay on September 23, 2012, 11:57:44 PM
Pls advise i dun know why i just brought nissan latio and maximum km is onli 300km thken i need to go pump station already. Pls help really dun know what is the problem located at? :crycry:
check the fuel float, it might be faulty
Pls advise i dun know why i just brought nissan latio and maximum km is onli 300km thken i need to go pump station already. Pls help really dun know what is the problem located at? :crycry:
Hi Bro..
1) Are you heavy footed..? Try to go more gentle with it..
2) And the type of road you using everyday plays a part as well. My FC is normally better if i travels far distance using expressway, compared with small roads.
FYI.. My FC is stuck at 300km++ too.. :D
Not really lay not heavy footed too
really dun know wat happen maybe think i need to go servicing lor but dun know service what and wher is cheap too
One shop in Toh guan quite okay. forgot the name. don't know if anybody else is familiar
you can contact kelvin
he provides excellent service
Pls advise i dun know why i just brought nissan latio and maximum km is onli 300km thken i need to go pump station already. Pls help really dun know what is the problem located at? :crycry:
What petrol do u pump?
300 too less .. I pump 92 can go till at least 400 plus till light up
check /pump your pressure type (best after short distance & night) pump at least once a month
also change spark plug when necessary
my max (that time use 98 and mostly expressway) is 600 plus till light up
Age & mileage of ur car oso plays a part, as ur ride gets older with higher mileage fc tends to drop too...
Proper maintenance & regular servicin is essential in makin sure ur veh remains in tip-top condition at all times.
ya today just visit kelvin i think he drain our abt 1 litre of engine oil lor because other mechanic pour full 4 litre inside which i just change last month. As kelivn say Latio need only 3 litre lol...... and just change my spark plug and trootle cleaning too. just when in JB pump full tank hope can cure my high fuel consumption lor.....
What petrol do u pump?
i pump 92 for 4+ years liao.. average mileage for a full tank is around 440 (for the past 4 years)
i pump 92 for 4+ years liao.. average mileage for a full tank is around 440 (for the past 4 years)
440 right before low fuel indicator comes on?
Or 440 until maybe the last litre?? :ohmy:
6+yrs old stock sport, 500km on 40litre, indicator on around 430km
mine near 6 years old latio cvt.
pump 37l shell 95 or any petrol that is 5000 grade, warning light comes on about 500km
I've never, ever, hit 450km and beyond :crycry: :crycry:
warning light normally on when have used 37litre from full tank, for you will be 500km/37litre=13.5km/l, good FC :thumbsup:
warning light normally on when have used 37litre from full tank, for you will be 500km/37litre=13.5km/l, good FC :thumbsup:
u guys on stock 15" rims?
My 5.5 yrs sedan can achieve abt 450km top up 40l of shell 95
mine is replica ssr rims type c 15inch, less than 5kg against stock which is much heavier at 7kg+ if i don't forget.
i believe lighter rims does help in my fuel consumption.
but i must add that i do lotsa highway.
3yr 60k sports hb. 205/55/16. 5w30. esso 5000. 80:20 highway city ratio. usually only 2 people in the car. ~13.5km/l
Used to be ~14.5 before i upsize my stock wheels. I find eo w30 more fuel efficient and responsive than w40. And feel 98 petrol can give slightly more mileage but dont worth $$.
Apart from looking at achieving higher mileage, we should consider higher viscosity will provide better protection to your car engine.
I do agree, but in SG we only drive at most 1.5hrs and in between may have many stop due traffic light also no high speed.
If go notrh then the condition is different. 1-2hrs non stop with high speed. This have to conside the type of engine oil using.
Apart from looking at achieving higher mileage, we should consider higher viscosity will provide better protection to your car engine.
I've never, ever, hit 450km and beyond :crycry: :crycry:
u can if you want... just drive straight to KL at 80km/hr :)
ya today just visit kelvin i think he drain our abt 1 litre of engine oil lor because other mechanic pour full 4 litre inside which i just change last month. As kelivn say Latio need only 3 litre lol...... and just change my spark plug and trootle cleaning too. just when in JB pump full tank hope can cure my high fuel consumption lor.....
great lesson...
jb petrol dont last compare to local esso 92 which i always use...
jb petrol tank for tank at least 50-70km lesser same driving method and distance..
Tyre size, pressure, and traction also affects your FC. Higher traction tyres normally will increase FC, so will bigger/wider and lower tyre pressure.
Agreed lower tyre pressure will increased of fuel consumption. Travels distance also play a part too. My 6yrs + full tank 34litres can go 440 before low fuel indicator comes on. Always top up 10 -11 days. :smile:
My FC is around 11.5km/l. I have never hit 12km/l before.
my best was to KL still have 1/4 tank. don't know how much it is.
Me too. Just went to Ipoh & back and was driving around 120km/hr. After KL still have around 1/4 tank left. Based on rough estimation, my Latio FC finally hit 14km/l ..finally!!! :yehyeh: :yehyeh: :yehyeh: :yehyeh:
my best was to KL still have 1/4 tank. don't know how much it is.
after discounting the error on speedo?
after discounting the error on speedo?
Yeah gotto take into consideration dat bigger rims & wider tyres give inaccurate speedo readin by abt 5km/h but 1 thingy for sure, latio fc beats my ex kimchi ride & sunny anytime...
even with the standard wheel size the speedo is already off... so actual fc is lower
Wah Liao Bros....
I cannot get even 400 KM lor!! I go to top up full full tank, until almost overflow only then I can get upto 370.
My driving is in town area and maximum speed is only 90Km or 100. In SG how to go above 100kmh??
My Latio in November-2008. from TCM.
Now cannot afford to change to new car or bigger car also?? MY FC is about 10.30 per km. How to go up 500 KM for full tank?
Not heavy footed too... :crycry:
If you only drive around town daily without using expressway, 10 - 11 km/l is normal
I had same problem too. After tried my method it works. 520km for full tank. I pump till really full, but didn't spill out. Go on really very light foot, maintained 80km/hr at all times at expressway and sometimes let it roll when u judge far cars were stepping brakes. On minor roads travelled on avg 50km/hr or less. Do dragging on move off.
Next tried same method but occassionally didn't follow some of the rules, such as once or twice above 90km/hr, minor roads once or twice at 60km/hr and once or twice dragged during move off. Managed only to clogged 430km. :smile:
I had same problem too. After tried my method it works. 520km for full tank. I pump till really full, but didn't spill out. Go on really very light foot, maintained 80km/hr at all times at expressway and sometimes let it roll when u judge far cars were stepping brakes. On minor roads travelled on avg 50km/hr or less. Do dragging on move off.
Next tried same method but occassionally didn't follow some of the rules, such as once or twice above 90km/hr, minor roads once or twice at 60km/hr and once or twice dragged during move off. Managed only to clogged 430km. :smile:
maybe this is why Govt set the speed limit as 80 or 90km/h.. improve FC!!! hahah :yehyeh: :yehyeh:
i travel 80% expressway,
most of the time move off from stop 2k - 2.5k rpm,
expressway most of the time travelling at 90 - 100kph
f.c usually around 13.5 km/l
I think the difference in city and highway driving really affects the FC quite a lot. When I'm doing mostly city driving, I'm getting between 350km to 390km per tank (pump till 35l - 37l). When I'm doing mostly highway driving, the FC becomes 420km to 450km.
I'm already resigned to the fact that my Latio got poor FC as compared to my previous rides (Toyota Corolla & Honda Stream). Even my Honda Stream could hit close to 15km/l when I'm driving to M'sia (on 17" rims and with car fully loaded).
But in terms of ride comfort, Latio definitely is better.