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Nissan Car Lounge - Almera, Juke, Latio, Qashqai, Sylphy, Teana Owners => Latio => Topic started by: gnissan on May 10, 2017, 03:31:09 PM

Title: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: gnissan on May 10, 2017, 03:31:09 PM
Hi All,

After driving my latio for 6 years, I have decided to renew COE. The car is 10 years old this year, another few more months
Upon preparing to renew, I have some considerations below.

The car condition now is not bad. Common issue would be air-cond. Compressor changed once, coil changed 2 times. Drivability is feeling quite sluggish like underpowered. This sluggishness is my main deciding point whether to renew or not. I still believe that something could be done to return the condition back to the responsive car it is 6 years ago.

Could you guys probably share with me on some points what to do next to get back this responsiveness ?
Below are the items that I have done and the effects of it :
1. Cleaned Mass Air Flow sensor - Very big improvement on the sluggishness compared to before
2. Cleaned throttle body - it's visually very dirty initially.
3. Replaced battery - noticeably more powerful right after replacing 1 year ago.
4. Replaced spark plugs
5. Replaced Ignition Coil

Generally I have been to a few workshops and common answer from them thinks that my car is fine.
Apart from Air cond, I don't have major issues with it now, but I do think somehow it's possible to regain back the old responsive car that I had before.
Yes, the feeling is different I know. But this is probably a long journey to understand what replacements could help.

Care to share some idea of what you guys have done and what made the biggest improvements to the engine performance ?

Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: skullcap on May 21, 2017, 11:33:13 AM
Bro, have u tried replacing engine mounting?
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: gnissan on May 21, 2017, 02:07:01 PM
Hi skullcap,

I haven't replace the engine mounting yet. But I think I have the symptoms already.
When waiting at traffic light, engaged in Drive, D with leg on the brake, I can feel that vibrations are getting more and more.
in Neutral gear, can't feel this type of vibrations.
I noticed that vibration gets more when the rpm nears 600 and below.
Typically in D gear, it will hover between 600 - 900 rpm.
in N gear, it will be around 900 kinda stable.

Is this symptom directly pointing to the problems of engine mounting or my idling rpm problem ?
Is idling at 900 rpm ok ?

Probably the vibrations and the sluggishness has no direct relation, but it does impact driving experience..
Feel very uneasy driving in this kind of situation.

Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: skullcap on May 21, 2017, 08:15:02 PM
Looks like ur car is showing e same symptoms that I hd. It affects e idling n I feel, e responsiveness as well. I dun floor e pedal every time I accelerate n I cud feel e difference. After I changed my mounting, it feels like a different car altogether; almost like driving a new car ha ha...It's very quiet n virtually no vibrations. But all this is my opinion only. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: rongshu on May 22, 2017, 12:07:23 PM
I changed engine mounting and felt the car is more responsive. You can try that. Not expensive.

Gearbox overhaul also make the car more smooth to accelerate but cost over 1k so unless yours is failing just leave it alone.
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: gnissan on May 22, 2017, 11:41:02 PM
I changed engine mounting and felt the car is more responsive. You can try that. Not expensive.

Gearbox overhaul also make the car more smooth to accelerate but cost over 1k so unless yours is failing just leave it alone.

Personally I hope that changing the engine mount could make my car more responsive but I can't find any connections / correlations between engine mounting and responsiveness ??  ;D

Just curious if someone actually knows why changing engine mounting can make it more responsive.. as I was always thinking changing engine mount just for the comfort of the ride.

Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: rongshu on May 23, 2017, 01:51:50 PM
I guess the transmission is connected to the engine. So if the engine vibrates less, then the connection between engine and gear box will be more engaged?
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: idiotboi89 on May 30, 2017, 02:39:49 PM
changed engine mounting for <$400, car feels like brand new because it feels buttery smooth until something else is vibrating -_-''

Mind sharing how did you clean your mass air flow sensor?
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: gnissan on May 30, 2017, 11:38:05 PM
changed engine mounting for <$400, car feels like brand new because it feels buttery smooth until something else is vibrating -_-''

Mind sharing how did you clean your mass air flow sensor?

Does your vibration exactly like what I have described in the 3rd post ?
I think skullcap did mentioned that what is happening to me is same like what he experienced...

I do find it a bit weird as the vibration only comes on when the rpm hits near 600..

For the cleaning of mass air flow sensor, you can watch these 2 videos,

Steps :
1. Identify the sensor location
2. Remove the electrical plug
3. Remove 2 screws
4. Remove sensor
5. Spray the sensor with CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner
6. Be careful not to spray too much, you will get water condensation as it's very cold liquid
7. Let it dry and box up.

and the bottle that he uses is CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner can be bought for SGD 25.
There are many warnings saying that we must use exactly this cleaner due to it's quick drying effect, quite similar to contact cleaner.

After cleaning, you might have some impact. In my case, before cleaning the car's acceleration is very jerky / uncertain. You might be stepping the gas a lot but you won't know when it accelerates fast. And when it accelerates fast then you start to release and you get the jerky movements.
This situation is gone directly after my cleaning. It feels very smooth.

Hope it helps.
Let me know if you require more info on this.
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: idiotboi89 on June 05, 2017, 09:41:19 PM
become more like osim at traffic light lor if your mounting dont change.

Cant seem to find the Air flow cleaner for sale anywhere.. FC quite cham leh.. abit sian
Title: Re: Renewing COE for latio
Post by: gnissan on June 06, 2017, 10:41:26 PM

I found mine in carousell...
I believe the authorized distributor is in Woodlands. Previously I found the contact.