Singapore Nissan Owners Group
Nissan Car Lounge - Almera, Juke, Latio, Qashqai, Sylphy, Teana Owners => Latio => Topic started by: Ghost_Buster on September 18, 2007, 04:05:12 PM
My car is half-year old Latio Sedan 2007 4AT. Cannot remember since when, everytime when I turn (no matter right or left) the steering more than half round, there is a cracking noise. If I turn further (one round or 1 1/2 round to its extrem) there will be another one to two times of such noise. :(
This only happens when the turning siganl light is on. If I don't signal, it is ok and no noise.
Is anyone here having the same problem? Thanks. :smile:
Maybe due to steering coupling issue. Common problem for our latios i guess... I encounter this problem before and had it renewed by TCM. U can highlight it for your next servicing.
My car is half-year old Latio Sedan 2007 4AT. Cannot remember since when, everytime when I turn (no matter right or left) the steering more than half round, there is a cracking noise. If I turn further (one round or 1 1/2 round to its extrem) there will be another one to two times of such noise. :(
This only happens when the turning siganl light is on. If I don't signal, it is ok and no noise.
Is anyone here having the same problem? Thanks. :smile:
Hi Mine no sound.
may be you can check with TCM
I think the sound is the mechanism in the steering assembly that "cancels" the turn signal when you have almost completed the turn. That's why when you do not signal, there is no sound.
I think the sound is the mechanism in the steering assembly that "cancels" the turn signal when you have almost completed the turn. That's why when you do not signal, there is no sound.
that is exactly what TCM's response. i just wanna konw whether every latio has this kind of noise. :confused1:
sometime it just can be annoying. :mad:
that is exactly what TCM's response. i just wanna konw whether every latio has this kind of noise. :confused1:
sometime it just can be annoying. :mad:
Well, my car, which is now 1.5yrs old, also has this kind of sound.
Don't think TCM can do much about it. Either have to live with it (by installing ICE to drown out the sound) or turn without signal :bleh:
My just 5 days old also have this cracking sound when turning with signal light on.
thanks for all your reply.
i went to TCM last Saturday and complainted about the noise. they replaced the steering coupling :thumbsup: and asked me monitor further. however, the noise was still there when i drove home :(
i will update the post again later ::).
thanks for all your reply.
i went to TCM last Saturday and complainted about the noise. they replaced the steering coupling :thumbsup: and asked me monitor further. however, the noise was still there when i drove home :(
i will update the post again later ::).
if its due to signal, then its not the problem of coupling....
if its due to signal, then its not the problem of coupling....
my latio is 7 month old. Recently, i notice my car start to have the 'Cracking noise' when steering without turning on the signal.
Looks like this a common problem :( ,will ask TC to check during the next service.....
Hi Ghost and Marcus, have your cracking noise when turning solved?
I'm having the same issue now without signal turned on :(
so far got no problem without switching on the signal light.
I complaint to TCM and was told by its technician that it is normal. he even let me try seveal Latios (including lation sports) parking there and proved that all are the same.
so far got no problem without switching on the signal light.
I complaint to TCM and was told by its technician that it is normal. he even let me try seveal Latios (including lation sports) parking there and proved that all are the same.
i think its a latio design issue.. i asked the TCM SE, he say even changing steering rack still persist so i din change mine.. better leave my steering assy a virgin.. wahhahaahha
I also encountered a similar issue.. whenever I turn left around a bend, i will hear a creaking sound from the car. It sounds liek "eek eek". Think will go TCM and check what's wrong...
Is everyone really accepting this design flaw? No one has managed to get this resolved?