Singapore Nissan Owners Group

Nissan Car Lounge - Almera, Juke, Latio, Qashqai, Sylphy, Teana Owners => Latio => Topic started by: iagree on June 22, 2008, 08:14:49 PM

Title: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 22, 2008, 08:14:49 PM
My dear friends,

Abt coolant.

Last Thursday, when I was in JB (to KL), i pumped fuel @ JB Mobil.

The person who attended to me asked me whether wanna to check the water, i said ok.

He topup the windscreen reservoir tank for me. No service charge.

And, then, he checked the engine coolant reservoir, he told me my coolant water is 'dark' liao, he asked me want to chg or not. He also open the Radiator cap (tangki cap? the one is hot oh, but he knows how to open it up safely!) and show me the the tangki water is not having any more coolant (the green color coolant from TCM right? TCM gv us green color one?) I don't know whether TCM got chg my coolant when i serviced my 1k, 5k and 10k (FOC) service or not? Are you guys aware?

So, "iagree" to let him change for me. I asked him how much is that bottle of coolant, he showed me it's RM16 per bottle. Oh, I said ok, change loh. Then he proceeded to suck out all the water in the "coolant reservoir". Then he showed me the tank is now empty. Then he started to topup new coolant (light green color) into it. Wow, he used 2 bottles, some of coolant he pour into the big tangki.

I paid RM16 x 2 = RM32 for the coolants.

The coolant is now until "Maximum" level.

Well, strange thing,today (Sunday), i checked the coolant tank, saw the water level is abt 1inch below the "Maximum" level.

Why so leh? Must i always check & topup (if necessary) water to the engine coolant reservoir ah?

Pls share your knowledge.

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: robtan99 on June 22, 2008, 09:11:51 PM

dunno abt TCM doing it or not for my 1st 50k.  But when i do it at autosaver, i saw them pour at least 2 bottle in.  Never topup or check until the next service.

My dear friends,

Abt coolant.

Last Thursday, when I was in JB (to KL), i pumped fuel @ JB Mobil.

The person who attended to me asked me whether wanna to check the water, i said ok.

He topup the windscreen reservoir tank for me. No service charge.

And, then, he checked the engine coolant reservoir, he told me my coolant water is 'dark' liao, he asked me want to chg or not. He also open the Radiator cap (tangki cap? the one is hot oh, but he knows how to open it up safely!) and show me the the tangki water is not having any more coolant (the green color coolant from TCM right? TCM gv us green color one?) I don't know whether TCM got chg my coolant when i serviced my 1k, 5k and 10k (FOC) service or not? Are you guys aware?

So, "iagree" to let him change for me. I asked him how much is that bottle of coolant, he showed me it's RM16 per bottle. Oh, I said ok, change loh. Then he proceeded to suck out all the water in the "coolant reservoir". Then he showed me the tank is now empty. Then he started to topup new coolant (light green color) into it. Wow, he used 2 bottles, some of coolant he pour into the big tangki.

I paid RM16 x 2 = RM32 for the coolants.

The coolant is now until "Maximum" level.

Well, strange thing,today (Sunday), i checked the coolant tank, saw the water level is abt 1inch below the "Maximum" level.

Why so leh? Must i always check & topup (if necessary) water to the engine coolant reservoir ah?

Pls share your knowledge.

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 22, 2008, 10:42:18 PM
Unless there is a leak, check your floor below the engine bay is there any green water in the morning. Worst is coolant leaked to your engine.  :zipped:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: darrylker on June 22, 2008, 11:20:38 PM

I faced this problem of leaking coolant in my old sunny before. At that time I did not have much knowledge abt replacing coolant or checking for leakage. Used my dad's advise to top up with water! Ended up engine overheated & needed overhaul for old car. That's when I decided to change to Latio since the old car abt 7yrs old.

For my ride now, I usually check monthly on coolant at max level. Last servicing 30k km TCM changed my coolant as its covered under the NCMP. Did not notice any drop in coolant level...But if u suspect leaking, think better check with yr workshop to c if leaking.... ;)
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 23, 2008, 12:01:55 AM
Bro, be careful with your coolant. that's how my old car blew the gasket.  :crying: the coolant was slowly boiling off from a leaky gasket and then eventually i had no coolant and the entire gasket gave way. Of course the new car is not so likely to have a gasket problem but hoses, etc. might leak. Make it a point to check your car best weekly on a sunday morning when u go and vacuum.

Since you top up the coolant when warm (actually is a bad idea) the coolant will be alittle on the high side, so when your car cool down the coolant level will show lower.

It is a good practice to get your coolant flushed every 1 year, or max 2 years because they lose their anti-rust properties and your radiator will start to rust. Coolant is cheap, radiator is not!!
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: lyh1280 on June 23, 2008, 09:20:00 AM
Bro, hope u din kena "ketuk", wat is mileage nw? Normally recommended to change coolant every 40K.. u said ur coolant is "dark" (or claimed by the guy), is it really dark/or black? Normal coolant is green in colour, normally will change more "cloudy" after long use..

For me, I am on NPMP, so don hv to worry when to change, it is changed every 40K i tink..

The level is lower during morning cos it is cooler/temperature is lower... if u find the level going lower and lower after few days, then better check for leakage, cos it will "burst"/big leaked and ur engine will overheat.

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 10:26:05 AM
Bro, hope u din kena "ketuk", wat is mileage nw? Normally recommended to change coolant every 40K.. u said ur coolant is "dark" (or claimed by the guy), is it really dark/or black? Normal coolant is green in colour, normally will change more "cloudy" after long use..

For me, I am on NPMP, so don hv to worry when to change, it is changed every 40K i tink..

The level is lower during morning cos it is cooler/temperature is lower... if u find the level going lower and lower after few days, then better check for leakage, cos it will "burst"/big leaked and ur engine will overheat.


First of all, thanks to all the buddies' replies to this topic.

I will try to observe this evening to see is there any 'green water' on the floor. If yes, meaning leakage.

Hi lyh1280, why 40k then change? If anytime we noticed the coolant is no longer in 'green', shld chg right?

How do we topup the water to the coolant reservior if we notice it's not at the Max level? Or we fill-up/topup water from Radiator there (open the radiator cap then pour water in?)

Leakage will KO the gasket & engine (overheat) also?

Oh, I do not know whether it is really dark or not but it's just at the level btw the Min & Max, and the color is no longer 'green green', it's like "loh loh" (blur & dim in color, may be "cloudy" is the word to use to describe?), so i let him change for me because it's just coolants, so i think it shld be ok. BUT, one thing that i am worrying is their skill? How do we know they change the coolant for us with the right skill? Do they have enough knowledge for Latio's coolant & tangki (radiator?) reservoirs?

My ride is now abt 21000 km liao. I didn't check this morning! Will check again this evening & let u guys know abt it.

What is NPMP?

To detach8, had no coolant at all? That's scary right? It shldnt happen.... without coolant and the entire gasket KO? I will make it as habit to check the car every week...!!! Thanks for sharing info./knowledge.

So, the guy chg my coolant when it's warm (bad idea), sux, i shld not let him chg also since it's warm (i felt that too but since he suggested then i take it aso and RM16 is not very expensive? i donno the mkt price, i thk if we chg ourself, may be it cost abt S$3 or so per bottle? How easy to get it chg ourself?)

I think i got to check the following later:
1) the Radiator (make sure water still full?)
2) the coolant level (leaking)
3) chk the floor (wet floor mean coolant leaking)

FYI, i drove the car from JB (chg coolant@JB) to KL , drove abt 300km+
Then drove back fr KL to SG, another 380km.
So far so good, none of the "lights" are on. So i presume it's ok. But, the only thing i wonder is why the coolant reservoir's water level drop abt 1inch from the Max level!!!

Hi darrylker , you change at TCM? FOC? What package you took from them? Haiya, i spent my own RM32 (abt S$13) for that coolant, quite silly lah! Sigh! I am thinking to go TCM for servicing for my next service. Shld be around 28000km, now still have abt 6000km i think! How? Sigh! Must take care of our ride, i think go to service at TCM is the best if the package is not more than S$300/= or S$400/=! Worth to let TCM handles as it is for our own SAFETY and peace of MIND!!! Do you guys agree???

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 23, 2008, 11:06:12 AM
Bro mine was a jialat case. Last time driving a 13 year old nissan march '96 model. The engine gasket was leaking but I did not know it then. I thought it was coolant leaking. Then I keep hearing coolant boiling sound. Everyday I check the coolant level (in the header tank) it was half full. Then when I check the radiator, it is always low. I have to pour a lot inside. I keep topping up, but every time I drive, it will boil. Then later one day the engine become very rough, got white smoke from exhaust (note: white smoke = bad, stop driving immediately!) and the engine died. I crank a few more times and cannot start, in the end i see green coolant come out from exhaust!!!

Here is what happened. The gasket leak, and when the engine is running the hot combustion gases escape into the water jackets around the engine, causing the water to boil. At the same time it pressurize the water. The boiling water is forced out into the header tank, but actually what is left in the radiator is all steam and air. Not much water. The engine is starting to overheat, but my meter always show OK. Then on the fateful day I saw the temp rising, I detour into KK hospital and park in basement (was heading to Bugis). I start the car up and saw the white smoke when I return from dinner, and then finally it gave way. But I doubt new car have this problem. The possibility is very very low. More likely you have a leak somewhere if your coolant goes missing.

That said during my previous car experience the coolant was not green. It was thick brown. So brown it looks like mud. When it overflow the stain is very hard to remove (like kena mud also). U have to use wet cloth to actually WIPE it off. This is how bad the rust became after 13 years. All this will jam your cooling system and damage your water pump.

So after some research I found out coolant best to flush once every 2years or less because it lost the anti-rust capability over time. Coolant only $5 per bottle from petrol kiosk. Water another few dollars. Use distilled water best, no mineral to cause corrosion.

Take care of your new car bro. Good car if well taken care of can last very long... the latio has one thing that worries me, is that there is no temperature gauge. Only light. So have to be very alert. The light is beside your tacho. Usually in the morning we see blue (cold). There is a red one indicating overheat.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: valeon on June 23, 2008, 11:29:39 AM
Bro, in fact TCM check and top up the coolant when servicing regardless 1k, 5k, 10k or under NPMP. So, dun hv to worry too much if servicing the car at TCM or any reliable workshops like Autosaver.

But, if it is leakage, then do not take this lightly. Coolant is cheap but the damage from coolant is huge. For your case, maybe send down your car to double check the leakage (if any) or you have to monitor the level daily at least for the time being.     
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 23, 2008, 11:40:11 AM
That is why I intend to fix a water, oil and volt meter in the coming months, need to study which brand is reliable.

Anyway, our engine need to flush so do our radiator, I intend to do it around 20,000km.  :D
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 01:40:18 PM
Bro mine was a jialat case. Last time driving a 13 year old nissan march '96 model. The engine gasket was leaking but I did not know it then. I thought it was coolant leaking. Then I keep hearing coolant boiling sound. Everyday I check the coolant level (in the header tank) it was half full. Then when I check the radiator, it is always low. I have to pour a lot inside. I keep topping up, but every time I drive, it will boil. Then later one day the engine become very rough, got white smoke from exhaust (note: white smoke = bad, stop driving immediately!) and the engine died. I crank a few more times and cannot start, in the end i see green coolant come out from exhaust!!!

Here is what happened. The gasket leak, and when the engine is running the hot combustion gases escape into the water jackets around the engine, causing the water to boil. At the same time it pressurize the water. The boiling water is forced out into the header tank, but actually what is left in the radiator is all steam and air. Not much water. The engine is starting to overheat, but my meter always show OK. Then on the fateful day I saw the temp rising, I detour into KK hospital and park in basement (was heading to Bugis). I start the car up and saw the white smoke when I return from dinner, and then finally it gave way. But I doubt new car have this problem. The possibility is very very low. More likely you have a leak somewhere if your coolant goes missing.

That said during my previous car experience the coolant was not green. It was thick brown. So brown it looks like mud. When it overflow the stain is very hard to remove (like kena mud also). U have to use wet cloth to actually WIPE it off. This is how bad the rust became after 13 years. All this will jam your cooling system and damage your water pump.

So after some research I found out coolant best to flush once every 2years or less because it lost the anti-rust capability over time. Coolant only $5 per bottle from petrol kiosk. Water another few dollars. Use distilled water best, no mineral to cause corrosion.

Take care of your new car bro. Good car if well taken care of can last very long... the latio has one thing that worries me, is that there is no temperature gauge. Only light. So have to be very alert. The light is beside your tacho. Usually in the morning we see blue (cold). There is a red one indicating overheat.

Dear detach8

Good reply! I love it!

Yes, only light to indicate or alert us if the temperate is "high" / overheating! That's why I always attention to the "gauge" also.

I think for my case (coolant), may be is because i let the guy chg for me when the engine was still hot. So, how shld i topup to Max level now? Using distilled water ? But where to buy? How to differentiate? Will TCM use this kind of water for us if we service our ride there?

Thanks many!
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 01:42:55 PM
Bro, in fact TCM check and top up the coolant when servicing regardless 1k, 5k, 10k or under NPMP. So, dun hv to worry too much if servicing the car at TCM or any reliable workshops like Autosaver.

But, if it is leakage, then do not take this lightly. Coolant is cheap but the damage from coolant is huge. For your case, maybe send down your car to double check the leakage (if any) or you have to monitor the level daily at least for the time being.     

In fact, I never check my coolant level until that guy show me the coolant color is dark (no more in green).

Will check later! Thanks!
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 01:45:21 PM
That is why I intend to fix a water, oil and volt meter in the coming months, need to study which brand is reliable.

Anyway, our engine need to flush so do our radiator, I intend to do it around 20,000km.  :D

Oh, I don't know that guy got flush my Radiator that day or not because I was busy pumping my petrol to the car!!!

May be he throw inside inside the coolant reservoir to make the color become loh loh leh? Possible a con case aso.

I saw there were water on the floor, i can see there are 'green' water on the floor leh, where is that come from? May be is from the Radiator? Can't be from the Coolant Reservoir because i saw him using a tube to suck out?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 23, 2008, 01:54:35 PM
Oh, I don't know that guy got flush my Radiator that day or not because I was busy pumping my petrol to the car!!!

May be he throw inside inside the coolant reservoir to make the color become loh loh leh? Possible a con case aso.

I saw there were water on the floor, i can see there are 'green' water on the floor leh, where is that come from? May be is from the Radiator? Can't be from the Coolant Reservoir because i saw him using a tube to suck out?


Dun think the pump attendant flushed your radiator at the petrol kiosk lah.  :glare:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 02:05:34 PM
Dun think the pump attendant flushed your radiator at the petrol kiosk lah.  :glare:

Then how? Chg Coolant without chg the water in radiator? Sick right?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 02:06:33 PM
When topup water, we topup for Radiator right? not the coolant reservoir right?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 23, 2008, 02:29:07 PM
Then how? Chg Coolant without chg the water in radiator? Sick right?

If flush, need to drain all the existing coolant off. There are 2 types of flush, if normal no rust, just flush it with a power jet can liao, if rust, need to use chemical like our home aircon, more expensive. 

Top up at the reservoir, same what you do to your wiper. Dun open the radiator cap, if you dun know how to cap tightly, it will blown off, that is why there is a bar indicator of 0.9bar if I not wrong.  :smile:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 05:59:01 PM
If flush, need to drain all the existing coolant off. There are 2 types of flush, if normal no rush, just flush it with a power jet can liao, if rush, need to use chemical like our home aircon, more expensive. 

Top up at the reservoir, same what you do to your wiper. Dun open the radiator cap, if you dun know how to cap tightly, it will blown off, that is why there is a bar indicator of 0.9bar if I not wrong.  :smile:


Oh, so 1k 5k and 10k serviced at TCM? do they flush existing coolant off before they topup?

topup at 'reservoir'? coolant reservior or radiator reservior?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 23, 2008, 09:34:54 PM

Oh, so 1k 5k and 10k serviced at TCM? do they flush existing coolant off before they topup?

topup at 'reservoir'? coolant reservior or radiator reservior?


Definitely 1K and 5K no flushing. 10K dunno, will indicate in the service report if performed.

Only 1 reservoir for the coolant, radiator is link to it.  :smile:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: valeon on June 23, 2008, 10:02:03 PM
Definitely 1K and 5K no flushing. 10K dunno, will indicate in the service report if performed.

Only 1 reservoir for the coolant, radiator is link to it.  :smile:

1K, 5K and 10K check and top up only nia.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 23, 2008, 10:11:00 PM
1K, 5K and 10K check and top up only nia.

Today just went for 5K servicing, waited 7 hrs at TCM, tired man.  :mad:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 23, 2008, 10:33:05 PM
Today just went for 5K servicing, waited 7 hrs at TCM, tired man.  :mad:

Aiyo. 7hrs? ask them to fly kite lah.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 23, 2008, 10:55:46 PM
Aiyo. 7hrs? ask them to fly kite lah.

Ya, was there before 10am for registration, collected my car at 5pm. They mentioned checked my suspension and air-con, that why took so long.

Drank more than 10 cups of coffee there.  :D
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 23, 2008, 11:26:18 PM
If flush, need to drain all the existing coolant off. There are 2 types of flush, if normal no rust, just flush it with a power jet can liao, if rust, need to use chemical like our home aircon, more expensive. 

Top up at the reservoir, same what you do to your wiper. Dun open the radiator cap, if you dun know how to cap tightly, it will blown off, that is why there is a bar indicator of 0.9bar if I not wrong.  :smile:

bros, i would suggest to check the radiator too. the experience i described earlier is that the header tank had water, but radiator practically empty (due to engine combustion gasses escaping into the radiator, forcing water out) so although our car is new and very unlikely to have a gasket problem like mine it is still better to check.

when checking radiator make sure engine is cold. if it is hot and you LL have to check, then do make sure you use a big cloth, cover the radiator cap. press down and it will start to release all the pressure inside and steam will come out. hold down the pressure (dun turn yet!!!) until all the pressure is released then twist open. when hot, top up with the engine running. dont pour cold water into a hot engine that is not running. when cold you can top up as much as you want.

distilled water = can buy from NTUC fairprice, shop & save. those $1 bottled water (distllled, not mineral!) is distilled. battery water is also distilled water. usually if you let the petrol kiosk people do they will take tap water, or worse the water use at the car wash with some soap remains inside (they wash their hands in there). don't let them top up for you. i rather use tap water than soapy water. tap water is ok lah, but distilled water is preferred. i think tcm also use tap water. distilled water damn expensive. so no big deal. but soapy water...  :scared:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: darrylker on June 23, 2008, 11:37:02 PM

First of all, thanks to all the buddies' replies to this topic.

I will try to observe this evening to see is there any 'green water' on the floor. If yes, meaning leakage.

Hi lyh1280, why 40k then change? If anytime we noticed the coolant is no longer in 'green', shld chg right?

How do we topup the water to the coolant reservior if we notice it's not at the Max level? Or we fill-up/topup water from Radiator there (open the radiator cap then pour water in?)

Leakage will KO the gasket & engine (overheat) also?

Oh, I do not know whether it is really dark or not but it's just at the level btw the Min & Max, and the color is no longer 'green green', it's like "loh loh" (blur & dim in color, may be "cloudy" is the word to use to describe?), so i let him change for me because it's just coolants, so i think it shld be ok. BUT, one thing that i am worrying is their skill? How do we know they change the coolant for us with the right skill? Do they have enough knowledge for Latio's coolant & tangki (radiator?) reservoirs?

My ride is now abt 21000 km liao. I didn't check this morning! Will check again this evening & let u guys know abt it.

What is NPMP?

To detach8, had no coolant at all? That's scary right? It shldnt happen.... without coolant and the entire gasket KO? I will make it as habit to check the car every week...!!! Thanks for sharing info./knowledge.

So, the guy chg my coolant when it's warm (bad idea), sux, i shld not let him chg also since it's warm (i felt that too but since he suggested then i take it aso and RM16 is not very expensive? i donno the mkt price, i thk if we chg ourself, may be it cost abt S$3 or so per bottle? How easy to get it chg ourself?)

I think i got to check the following later:
1) the Radiator (make sure water still full?)
2) the coolant level (leaking)
3) chk the floor (wet floor mean coolant leaking)

FYI, i drove the car from JB (chg coolant@JB) to KL , drove abt 300km+
Then drove back fr KL to SG, another 380km.
So far so good, none of the "lights" are on. So i presume it's ok. But, the only thing i wonder is why the coolant reservoir's water level drop abt 1inch from the Max level!!!

Hi darrylker , you change at TCM? FOC? What package you took from them? Haiya, i spent my own RM32 (abt S$13) for that coolant, quite silly lah! Sigh! I am thinking to go TCM for servicing for my next service. Shld be around 28000km, now still have abt 6000km i think! How? Sigh! Must take care of our ride, i think go to service at TCM is the best if the package is not more than S$300/= or S$400/=! Worth to let TCM handles as it is for our own SAFETY and peace of MIND!!! Do you guys agree???


Hi bro,

NCMP is the 2-yr servicing package (4 servicings in total) I signed from TCM...covered till 50k km as I signed after my 3rd free servicing. Think I paid abt $989 for the package at that time, now price up to 1k+. I agree that goin back TCM safer, especially still within the 3 years warranty. Personally had bad experience with my prev car engine as I serviced now more 'kiasi'!  :scared:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: darrylker on June 23, 2008, 11:39:14 PM
Today just went for 5K servicing, waited 7 hrs at TCM, tired man.  :mad:

Wah! How come 7hrs? Mine longest wait abt 5hrs and I almost cant take it liaoz!  :blink:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 23, 2008, 11:43:18 PM
Personally had bad experience with my prev car engine as I serviced now more 'kiasi'!  :scared:

totally agree. also try to go during off-peak time so they more relak to fix your car. dun rush them. if u rush them the might not do such a good job.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 24, 2008, 12:20:21 AM
Wah! How come 7hrs? Mine longest wait abt 5hrs and I almost cant take it liaoz!  :blink:

Maybe too many cars.  :crying:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: yapsf on June 24, 2008, 08:22:46 AM
Getting a bit confusing here. Correct me if I am wrong.

When topping up coolant, we got to top up 2 places - coolant reservoir, as well as radiator.

We can either top up both the reservoir and radiator with either distilled water, or green coolant.

How do we tell the maximum level to top up in the radiator? Any markings there to indicate max level?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 24, 2008, 10:09:28 AM
Haha ok ...

Yes you can top up 2 places. Radiator and reservoir. But usually radiator = check only... It should have coolant. Just top up the rest into the reservoir.

The coolant must be 1/3 or 1/2 mix with water (depend on what coolant you buy, read the bottle).
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 24, 2008, 10:18:04 AM
Haha ok ...

Yes you can top up 2 places. Radiator and reservoir. But usually radiator = check only... It should have coolant. Just top up the rest into the reservoir.

The coolant must be 1/3 or 1/2 mix with water (depend on what coolant you buy, read the bottle).


normal water from the tap cannot use meh?
i only use that this morning, but nothing much to topup to Radiator coz i can see the 'green' coolant near the cap. i pour abit of water from my "Sprite" bottle, alittle bit oni coz it is nearly full.
i checked this morning, the coolant & radiator is in "cold" condition. the coolant reservoior is still like showing the abt 1inch lower to the Max Level. and the Radiator there i can see the "green" water near the cap.

yday, after i drove home, i check the coolant reservior & radiator, the coolant reservior water level is near to the "Max", meaning normal right? when it is 'hot', the coolant water level go up and it is near to the "Max". and, at the same time, i did not open the Radiator cap because it is too hot and i am unfamiliar with it, later kena hurt by the Radiator water then kaulat. I only check the Radiator when it is in cold condition.

so, i presume, there is no leaking. it's like some of you guys had mentioned, when i let the Mobil stn attendant chg my Coolant that time, my car Radiator still in "hot" condition, therefore, the Coolant level is not very accurate. so, it's btr to change the coolant when the car is in cool condition then? But, how ah? We got to drive our car to workshop/TCM for servicing, the car already is "hot hot" leh?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: yapsf on June 24, 2008, 10:21:05 AM
What kind of coolant can I top up? Can I mix any coolants that is greenish in colour, assuming it is pre-mixed?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 24, 2008, 10:24:04 AM
tap water should be fine ba. as long as you flush often. most people use tap water.  i think my old car previous owner never flush for 3-4 years all the crap started to build up. usually radiator should be full of water, so no need to add. since you say the level like never change, your car is fine.

it is ok to top up the reservoir to "max" when cold. when it is hot it will go above the "max" mark. that should be normal ba... hmm any experts want to add?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 24, 2008, 10:26:25 AM
What kind of coolant can I top up? Can I mix any coolants that is greenish in colour, assuming it is pre-mixed?

best to use the same type of coolant. i know got 2 type. green and red. i think red coolant boh liao. only older cars. usually we dun have to add coolant. just add abit more water can already. only when your radiator leak etc then you must add some coolant.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 24, 2008, 10:42:20 AM
tap water should be fine ba. as long as you flush often. most people use tap water.  i think my old car previous owner never flush for 3-4 years all the crap started to build up. usually radiator should be full of water, so no need to add. since you say the level like never change, your car is fine.

it is ok to top up the reservoir to "max" when cold. when it is hot it will go above the "max" mark. that should be normal ba... hmm any experts want to add?

hi detach8

thanks for your valueable points. i like it. my knowledge is getting thicker & 'stronger'. how abt you guys? agree? :)

then i think u r right, my car is fine.

so, i dun hv to topup to my radiator.
so, i can topup tap water to my coolant reservoir to the Max Level in the morning (when it is cold). when the water is 'hot', it is ok to let it be above Max Level, it won't be overflow or hitting the coolant cap right?

one more thing, when i pour water to Radiator, the 'green' water got flow out, do i need to clean them so that it wont stay near the parts/areas surrounding it?

also, how do get the Radiator "flushed"? how easy to do it ourselves leh?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: yapsf on June 24, 2008, 10:59:46 AM
But I read somewhere before it is preferably to top up with distilled water than tap water. Coz tap water contains iron which might contribute to rusting in the radiator.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 24, 2008, 11:14:50 AM
But I read somewhere before it is preferably to top up with distilled water than tap water. Coz tap water contains iron which might contribute to rusting in the radiator.

hi yapsf

then how?
how to get distilled water? got to pay to get? then costly liao?

i noticed Mobil stn @ JB that guy aso use normal tap water to chg for my coolant and topup water to my radiator right? if so, then how?

what TCM uses for our Radiator n coolant reservior?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 24, 2008, 11:58:14 AM
haha no need thank me, i speak from a bad experience, so basically i paid a hefty lesson from a car gasket blowing up on me

last i saw my old car on sgcarmart.. SOLD liao.. faint. good luck to new owner

distilled water can be anything lah. battery water = distilled water. the $1 1L bottled water in 7-11 is also distilled water. not evian lah that one mineral water cost a bomb.

usually the water will expand until almost 1" above max. that is fine. our reservoir have extra space to cater for this expansion one.

i think most things in the car (except engine oil and ATF) is best check when cold. tyre pressure also.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: ellsworth on June 24, 2008, 12:24:50 PM
Did the mech bleed your radiator of air pockets after topping up your radiator with new coolant? When you empty your radiator and topup with new coolant and distilled water, some air pocket will be created. This air pockets is probably taking up the extra space that the coolant and distilled water should occupy in your radiator (think of yourself gulping water constantly and never burp). Your radiator works like a pressurized system, releasing water to the coolant reservoir when it is too hot (pressurized), that's where you see your plastic coolant reservoir.

If there's really a leak, check your radiator hose clamp area, there should have presence of white/brownish residue. There's 2 hose to check. Most likely radiator clamps/hose are the culprit.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: yapsf on June 24, 2008, 12:46:28 PM
Ya, you can easily get distilled water from Watsons, Guardian, 7/11, etc. Make sure that the bottled is labelled distilled water, not mineral water.

By the way, any idea whethr Newater is considered distilled?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Silver on June 24, 2008, 01:04:24 PM
Newater is not distilled water.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 24, 2008, 09:22:25 PM
hi detach8

thanks for your valueable points. i like it. my knowledge is getting thicker & 'stronger'. how abt you guys? agree? :)

then i think u r right, my car is fine.

so, i dun hv to topup to my radiator.
so, i can topup tap water to my coolant reservoir to the Max Level in the morning (when it is cold). when the water is 'hot', it is ok to let it be above Max Level, it won't be overflow or hitting the coolant cap right?

one more thing, when i pour water to Radiator, the 'green' water got flow out, do i need to clean them so that it wont stay near the parts/areas surrounding it?

also, how do get the Radiator "flushed"? how easy to do it ourselves leh?


Try not to open your radiator cap to top up, just pour at the reservoir can liao.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 24, 2008, 09:28:59 PM
Newater is not distilled water.

It recycled water.  :yehyeh:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 24, 2008, 09:38:11 PM
Tap water not advisable as it will oxidised your radiator.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: darrylker on June 24, 2008, 10:52:26 PM
Did not know abt our radiator cap...anyway I feel that this thread very informative for me, especially details abt coolant & radiator cap...will do some checks on my ride this weekend as its 3 mths since my last servicing... :yehyeh:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 25, 2008, 11:02:58 AM
Try not to open your radiator cap to top up, just pour at the reservoir can liao.

thank u for info dude.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 25, 2008, 11:05:09 AM
Tap water not advisable as it will oxidised your radiator.

Jazz, then how? expensive or not if use Dil water? where to get? TCM using that aso?

Did not know abt our radiator cap...anyway I feel that this thread very informative for me, especially details abt coolant & radiator cap...will do some checks on my ride this weekend as its 3 mths since my last servicing... :yehyeh:

yo darrylker

ya, ti is useful for me too. gd that i found out this issue early. i didnt pay attention to my Wira which i bought in 1998!!! sigh.
now my Latio, must learn.... more....... polish knowledge.

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 25, 2008, 07:05:06 PM
Jazz, then how? expensive or not if use Dil water? where to get? TCM using that aso?

yo darrylker

ya, ti is useful for me too. gd that i found out this issue early. i didnt pay attention to my Wira which i bought in 1998!!! sigh.
now my Latio, must learn.... more....... polish knowledge.

Distilled water not expensive lah. No worry.  ;)
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 27, 2008, 01:55:09 PM
Distilled water not expensive lah. No worry.  ;)

Hi Jazz

But tap water also can leh....
Sigh, really contradicting...
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 28, 2008, 12:38:40 AM
Hi Jazz

But tap water also can leh....
Sigh, really contradicting...

I mentioned tap water not advisable Bro, of coz can, but if you love your car, just buy distilled water to top up for ease of mind unless you are selling your ride soon.  :bleh:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 12:32:31 PM
Those goods in Msia are becoming more expensive!!

Coolant, i believe shld be selling at higher price there if the product is 'imported' from Japan or USA?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 12:35:07 PM
I mentioned tap water not advisable Bro, of coz can, but if you love your car, just buy distilled water to top up for ease of mind unless you are selling your ride soon.  :bleh:

I so scare lah.
If topup coolant reservior with distilled water, this water will eventually flow to the Radiator, any possible side effect or not?
I know the distilled water is "clean" water vs the tap water, so, should not have any big issue right?
Saturday, i just topup my coolant reservior to the "Max" level by using tap water at my house in Msia in the morning before i warm up the car, abt 1inch to the Max level, not much....

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 30, 2008, 02:03:51 PM
I so scare lah.
If topup coolant reservior with distilled water, this water will eventually flow to the Radiator, any possible side effect or not?
I know the distilled water is "clean" water vs the tap water, so, should not have any big issue right?
Saturday, i just topup my coolant reservior to the "Max" level by using tap water at my house in Msia in the morning before i warm up the car, abt 1inch to the Max level, not much....


As mentioned, distilled water is better to avoid oxidation in the radiator in the long run. But if wanna top up just for a fast run, tap water is alright as long the coolant content is there. Dun brood so much about this and you can get distilled water quite convenient and it not expensive.  ;)
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: CustomGolf on June 30, 2008, 02:10:01 PM
Have been driving for 28 years, some of you might not have not been born and I have always been using normal tap water for radiator. Oxidation will still occur even if you're using distilled water. Tap water on the other hand might have some minerals in it but it's there in small quantity so it will not harm your radiator as long as coolant is present.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: NSman on June 30, 2008, 02:14:50 PM
is there a ratio of mixing pure coolen water with distilled/tap water?? 80/20 or 50/50? or full coolen water.

who knows?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 30, 2008, 02:18:11 PM
is there a ratio of mixing pure coolen water with distilled/tap water?? 80/20 or 50/50? or full coolen water.

who knows?

check the coolant bottle. some are 1/3 ratio, some are 1/2. it depends.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 30, 2008, 02:19:04 PM
is there a ratio of mixing pure coolen water with distilled/tap water?? 80/20 or 50/50? or full coolen water.

who knows?

No one put 100% coolant Bro, it acidic man.  :smile:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 02:32:49 PM
As mentioned, distilled water is better to avoid oxidation in the radiator in the long run. But if wanna top up just for a fast run, tap water is alright as long the coolant content is there. Dun brood so much about this and you can get distilled water quite convenient and it not expensive.  ;)

Hi Jazz,

I know, it's inexpensive. Me newbie mah, but old bird like my dad who has been driving for almost 4o to 50yrs, they always use normtal tap water till to-date and has no complaint. May be distilled water is a better one for our Radiator. And, to them, as long as 'need to spend money' if there is a substitute, they would go for the zero cost barang. The mkt is getting worse liao, S$1 per bottle of distilled water is still costly leh, may be the seller their cost is 40cents per bottle only. We bear the different, siong hor...

60cents can buy sweets leh... dua biji for every 20cents :)
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 02:36:13 PM
Have been driving for 28 years, some of you might not have not been born and I have always been using normal tap water for radiator. Oxidation will still occur even if you're using distilled water. Tap water on the other hand might have some minerals in it but it's there in small quantity so it will not harm your radiator as long as coolant is present.

Hi Golf, lau jiao leh....!
I think we just do it as per normal, follow what you said aso can loh. FOC mah.... that is impt...

Is it advisable to flush the reservoir and radiator in a fixed time interval (time range)? e.g. 2mths , 6mth once?

And, when we chg the coolant, the reservoir will be 'emptied' first and at the same time, the Radiator should be 'flush' before refill new coolant into coolant reservoir?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 30, 2008, 02:41:47 PM
Hi Jazz,

I know, it's inexpensive. Me newbie mah, but old bird like my dad who has been driving for almost 4o to 50yrs, they always use normtal tap water till to-date and has no complaint. May be distilled water is a better one for our Radiator. And, to them, as long as 'need to spend money' if there is a substitute, they would go for the zero cost barang. The mkt is getting worse liao, S$1 per bottle of distilled water is still costly leh, may be the seller their cost is 40cents per bottle only. We bear the different, siong hor...

60cents can buy sweets leh... dua biji for every 20cents :)

1 thing I learnt. Our parents and our generation is different. Our parents used to whack us when we are naughty but now we use "ai de jiao yu" to our children right?

It the same debate why some prefer to use mineral oil over full synthetic oil and some pumped 92 instead of 98. We can eat chao kway tiao over a posh restaurant. So you are right it boil down to dollar and sense plus how much you willing to take care of your ride.  ;)
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 02:45:51 PM
1 thing I learnt. Our parents and our generation is different. Our parents used to whack us when we are naughty but now we use "ai de jiao yu" to our children right?

It the same debate why some prefer to use mineral oil over full synthetic oil and some pumped 92 instead of 98. We can eat chao kway tiao over a posh restaurant. So you are right it boil down to dollar and sense plus how much you willing to take care of your ride.  ;)

Hi Jazz,

i... i....

i cannot say anything.... i can only AGREE with u lah!

so if i wanna to start using distilled water for my coolant reservior, when to start?

and, if we use distilled water, the whole Radiator need to use distilled water as well? (good question)

how many bottles do we need for both Radiator (bigger eater) and coolant reservior?
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: Jazz on June 30, 2008, 02:54:46 PM
Hi Jazz,

i... i....

i cannot say anything.... i can only AGREE with u lah!

so if i wanna to start using distilled water for my coolant reservior, when to start?

and, if we use distilled water, the whole Radiator need to use distilled water as well? (good question)

how many bottles do we need for both Radiator (bigger eater) and coolant reservior?

Actually you do not required to do anything now, I kept checking every week, my reservoir still above max limit. You can flush your radiator every year or 20,000km. The expert will do up for you no worry on your part.  :smile:
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 03:06:41 PM
Actually you do not required to do anything now, I kept checking every week, my reservoir still above max limit. You can flush your radiator every year or 20,000km. The expert will do up for you no worry on your part.  :smile:

Hi Jazz,

thanks for your prompt replies.

ic. iagree, i don't have to do anything on the coolant and radiator except do regular checking only (but not everyday). only check when feel 'song' then check.

btw, your reservoir above max level is before you warm the engine or after?
now, mine coolant level is at max when it's in cold (every morning b4 start engine).
after driving and reached distination, i chk again, it is surely above max level.

thanks again. u r the man.

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 30, 2008, 03:11:56 PM
Our radiator is probably 3-4 liters worth of water (including expansion tank). You might need 2-3 bottles of coolant to top that off after a full flush.

Just send to a shop to do the flush for you, and ask them to use distilled water..
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on June 30, 2008, 03:16:07 PM
Our radiator is probably 3-4 liters worth of water (including expansion tank). You might need 2-3 bottles of coolant to top that off after a full flush.

Just send to a shop to do the flush for you, and ask them to use distilled water..

hi detach8,

thanks for your prompt reply.

1) flush the Radiator, then use 2 to 3 bottles of coolant to fill into the radiator. and then use distilled water to dilute the coolant.

2) errr, then how abt the reservior's coolant? also need 2 bottles?

Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 30, 2008, 03:27:20 PM
har.. just mix lor.. radio depends on your coolant. there's no one fixed way. just check the bottle. usually i let somebody do it because the coolant is toxic and needs to be disposed off properly. if animal like cat ingest coolant they will be poison and die.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: CustomGolf on June 30, 2008, 03:29:12 PM
Hi Golf, lau jiao leh....!
I think we just do it as per normal, follow what you said aso can loh. FOC mah.... that is impt...

Is it advisable to flush the reservoir and radiator in a fixed time interval (time range)? e.g. 2mths , 6mth once?

And, when we chg the coolant, the reservoir will be 'emptied' first and at the same time, the Radiator should be 'flush' before refill new coolant into coolant reservoir?


Don't have to flush your radiator that often, more like 2 years should be OK another way is to follow you manual.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: detach8 on June 30, 2008, 03:31:07 PM
Yea flush once a year or once every 2 years is about the right time to do so. Every few months just check water level and top up with distilled water. you don't usually have to add coolant unless in severe cases where you lose a lot of water.
Title: Re: Coolant
Post by: iagree on July 01, 2008, 09:55:09 AM
Yea flush once a year or once every 2 years is about the right time to do so. Every few months just check water level and top up with distilled water. you don't usually have to add coolant unless in severe cases where you lose a lot of water.

thanks to both golf & detach.

noted with thanks.