Author Topic: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice  (Read 6389 times)

Offline kennytoh

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anyone encounter your cigarette slot spoilt before? the slot for charging phone, gps etc

i just change a new fuse for my multiple slots...but seem like the main cigarette slot is not working too as i tried to insert other charger but still cannot

please advice
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 03:36:04 PM by kennytoh »

Offline Ender

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 03:41:13 PM »
One of your device connected to your multi slot is drawing too much current, or even worst may be shorted.

Offline kennytoh

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 03:47:37 PM »
One of your device connected to your multi slot is drawing too much current, or even worst may be shorted.

but after removing the multi slot..i plug directly into the cigarette slot, is also not working

everything work fine all the while but only when i turn the device clockwise when still inserted inside. the multi slot's fuse broke.

I changed the fuse, it still cannot i tried to plug my gps charger directly into the cigarette slot without the multi slot...then i realised the cigarette slot is not working as well.

Offline Ender

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 03:59:16 PM »
Now your cigarrette slot fuse also burnt liao. You can still change the fuse, chack your owners manual as to where the location of the fuse. But the root cause is still that one of your device is drawing too much current, or even sorted. your fuse gonna blow again, if you didn't get that sorted out.

Offline kennytoh

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 04:03:09 PM »
Now your cigarrette slot fuse also burnt liao. You can still change the fuse, chack your owners manual as to where the location of the fuse. But the root cause is still that one of your device is drawing too much current, or even sorted. your fuse gonna blow again, if you didn't get that sorted out.

does the owner manual show where is the fuse?
actually only my gps charger is connected to the multi slot everytime, another extra slot from the multi slot is for charging hp which is occassionally. i have been using like this for the past 6 months and is still fine until few days back when i turn the adapter clockwise

Offline Ender

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 04:11:22 PM »
Adapter as in the multislot adapter?

Many of those adapter are really cheapo, and the wiring are badly route, causing shorting to ground. Shorting to ground will blow your fuse, even your cigarret slot 10amp fuse.

I have opened some before to re-route the wire. I notice the + and - are very close on those I have. Abit of twist and turn may cause them to short.   If you have a multimeter, your can measure if it's shorted.

Offline kennytoh

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 04:27:40 PM »
yes, the adapter of my multi-slot. the fuse blow when i turn it clockwise when still inserted inside the cigarette slot. so i was wondering, is it because of the turning that trigger the blow??

but it seem hard to dismantle our latio cigarette slot to change the fuse...

Adapter as in the multislot adapter?

Many of those adapter are really cheapo, and the wiring are badly route, causing shorting to ground. Shorting to ground will blow your fuse, even your cigarret slot 10amp fuse.

I have opened some before to re-route the wire. I notice the + and - are very close on those I have. Abit of twist and turn may cause them to short.   If you have a multimeter, your can measure if it's shorted.

Offline Ender

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2010, 04:31:24 PM »
The fuse of your  cigarette socket is not at the socket.. It's either in the box under the steering, or under the bonnet. Check your owners manual, it's stated there. It's not difficult to change.

As for your multi-slot, checked with a multimeter if it's shorted.

Offline kennytoh

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2010, 04:33:19 PM »
oic, thanks

i will check the manual once i got home.

The fuse of your  cigarette socket is not at the socket.. It's either in the box under the steering, or under the bonnet. Check your owners manual, it's stated there. It's not difficult to change.

As for your multi-slot, checked with a multimeter if it's shorted.

Offline Ender

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2010, 04:54:22 PM »
And I wouldn't resuse your multislot adapter, till it's opened up and fixed the wire routing.

Offline limck007

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2010, 07:47:52 PM »
oic, thanks

i will check the manual once i got home.

its below the steering wheel

better get a mechanics to check out for u , if u are not sure...

when it come to electricity, dont  play play

Offline clarence

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2010, 05:22:16 PM »

Since your year old Latio is under warranty, just send it back to Tan Chong to rectify.

Warranty cost has already been factored into your car price, so don't feel shy even if you need to make a buffet of claims.

Offline kennytoh

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Re: cigarette slot (for charging phone, gps etc) spoilt...please advice
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2010, 05:26:46 PM »
Thanks. already went down to check...n got the replacement fuse which cost $1.90.


Since your year old Latio is under warranty, just send it back to Tan Chong to rectify.

Warranty cost has already been factored into your car price, so don't feel shy even if you need to make a buffet of claims.