Have not been back for a while. Sound persist, I gave up on correcting it and take it as part of the car start up. 98 grade fuel does not help at all.
So far I have no complaints with the car, it is just over 5 years old and I felt it drives better with age. I started to be "in one" with the car only around year 4 when I can feel the maximum power of the car. I used to think car pick up is slow, but once you get the hang of your own car, it can really perform beyond its specifications. Many times, I leave other cars in the dust from pick up, and I do not even hit 2.5K rpm.
When I first bought the car, my wife and I said we want to keep this for 10 years. My wife loves driving it as it is quite compact for a lady, unless any major accidents happen, I should be able to keep this for at least 3 more years.