Hi all,
I’m driving a Year 2005 Latio Sport CVT.
Recently, the Check Engine Light (CEL) lit up so I went to AutoSaver Woodlands to read the CEL error code and to do the 120K servicing at the same time. The workshop quoted $253 for parts and labour to replace the faulty oxygen (O2) sensor. A guy there also pointed to me that the mounting cap for the front suspension (driver’s side) has cracked and advised me to replace it soon. He quoted $600+ to replace the 2 front shock absorbers and the “mounting cap” for both left & right. I did not ask what brand he quoted.
I did some “research” on car forums and from the sharing, I realised that I can save a substantial sum if I were to buy the parts and get a workshop to replace them. I’ve called the 3 Nissan stockists mentioned in the forum but got different answer:
a. Yuen Thong: KYB front shock absorber $128 per piece (they don’t carry the mounting kit and O2 sensor).
b. Chin Hon: No stock, need to wait till sometime next month (no definite date).
c. Mandarin Auto: Only have “Paraut” shocks, $65/pc for front and $45/pc for rear (they also don’t carry the mounting kit). O2 sensor is around $120 each.
*All prices are before 7% GST
Further “research” from forums got me rather confused. Sorry, I am a long time driver but a noob in car parts and need advice from the experts here. Can anyone help me with the following questions?
1) Some forumers advised to go for Japan-made KYB shocks and not those KYB shocks that are made in Thailand. How to find out which KYB stocks or models are from Japan and not Thai-made?
2) Are all KYB “Excel G” model made in Japan or some of the same model are made in Thailand?
3) Is the KYB “Excel G” shock absorber a better investment than the Paraut or Tokico?
4) Besides the shocks, top mounting plate/cap (not sure if it the right term), I also read that there are rubber stopper /damper, protection kit, etc. Are there any other parts which also need to be changed and if yes, where to get them?
5) Anyone here know any other Nissan stockist that carries the Japan-made shocks and the O2 sensor for Latio Sport?
Will appreciate if anyone can share their knowledge on any of the above. Also if anyone have replaced their shock absorbers or O2 sensor, please let me know the price paid and at which workshop.
Thanks in advance!