Author Topic: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor  (Read 16435 times)

Offline ahjie

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Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« on: February 11, 2012, 12:15:41 AM »
Hi all,

I’m driving a Year 2005 Latio Sport CVT.

Recently, the Check Engine Light (CEL) lit up so I went to AutoSaver Woodlands to read the CEL error code and to do the 120K servicing at the same time. The workshop quoted $253 for parts and labour to replace the faulty oxygen (O2) sensor. A guy there also pointed to me that the mounting cap for the front suspension (driver’s side) has cracked and advised me to replace it soon. He quoted $600+ to replace the 2 front shock absorbers and the “mounting cap” for both left & right. I did not ask what brand he quoted.

I did some “research” on car forums and from the sharing, I realised that I can save a substantial sum if I were to buy the parts and get a workshop to replace them. I’ve called the 3 Nissan stockists mentioned in the forum but got different answer:
a. Yuen Thong: KYB front shock absorber $128 per piece (they don’t carry the mounting kit and O2 sensor).
b. Chin Hon: No stock, need to wait till sometime next month (no definite date).
c. Mandarin Auto: Only have “Paraut” shocks, $65/pc for front and $45/pc for rear (they also don’t carry the mounting kit). O2 sensor is around $120 each.
*All prices are before 7% GST

Further “research” from forums got me rather confused. Sorry, I am a long time driver but a noob in car parts and need advice from the experts here. Can anyone help me with the following questions?

1) Some forumers advised to go for Japan-made KYB shocks and not those KYB shocks that are made in Thailand. How to find out which KYB stocks or models are from Japan and not Thai-made?
2) Are all KYB “Excel G” model made in Japan or some of the same model are made in Thailand?
3) Is the KYB “Excel G” shock absorber a better investment than the Paraut or Tokico?
4) Besides the shocks, top mounting plate/cap (not sure if it the right term), I also read that there are rubber stopper /damper, protection kit, etc.  Are there any other parts which also need to be changed and if yes, where to get them?
5) Anyone here know any other Nissan stockist that carries the Japan-made shocks and the O2 sensor for Latio Sport?

Will appreciate if anyone can share their knowledge on any of the above.  Also if anyone have replaced their shock absorbers or O2 sensor, please let me know the price paid and at which workshop.

Thanks in advance!

Offline jonpaul0104

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 07:38:45 AM »

I am driving same yr latio sport model......just changed all 4 absorbers and front mounts at TCM for abt $600+......they have campaign for shock absorber now....maybe u would like to check it out at their website.....

I never change my O2 sensor before......u using any aftermkt air filter?

Btw, my mileage is coming to 160K.....

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 12:29:37 PM »
Thanks bro,

Will check out TCM's campaign.

No, I didn't use any aftermkt air filter. I don't know anything about after market products, I didn't even know there are many OEM parts until recently when I googled for workshops to replace the front shocks. I don't even know whether the workshops used original or OEM parts for those I have replaced earlier as I never ask.

I guess workshops love a noob like me, haha.. but not anymore..

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 02:14:07 PM »
I,ve check the TCM shock absorber campaign in their website and they indicated that "Additional Parts Charges (Free Labour) in the event front strut mounting, suspension arm or rear stopper need renewal". Any idea whether the front strut mounting mentioned here referred to the top mounting plate (that's what the workshop told me) which can be seen for the bonnet or is it something else?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 06:40:06 PM by ahjie »

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 06:43:55 PM »
Hi jonpaul0104,

For your case, did you need to replace the front strut mounting, suspension arm or rear stopper mentioned in their campaign brochure? If yes, how much is the charges? Thanks!

Offline kelvin

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 07:41:27 PM »
the frt mount refer the top insulator,the rear stopper refer to the rear rubber bound,if t/c cover all items in the campagin,they will run road.

 :yehyeh: :yehyeh: :yehyeh:

Offline jonpaul0104

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 09:24:53 AM »
Hi jonpaul0104,

For your case, did you need to replace the front strut mounting, suspension arm or rear stopper mentioned in their campaign brochure? If yes, how much is the charges? Thanks!

yes...i did replace the top mount (insulator) damage $ no need change....just realised that the mileage that they keyed into their system is wrong....should be 143783km instead of 173783km.....cos my mileage now is 156xxxkm....

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2012, 01:11:38 AM »
the frt mount refer the top insulator,the rear stopper refer to the rear rubber bound,if t/c cover all items in the campagin,they will run road.

yes...i did replace the top mount (insulator) damage $ no need change....just realised that the mileage that they keyed into their system is wrong....should be 143783km instead of 173783km.....cos my mileage now is 156xxxkm....

Thanks for the clarification.

TCM's $690+ for all front & rear shocks, although more attractive than outside WS, is still very costly. The Paraut is much cheaper as quoted by Mandarin Auto: front shock @ $65/pc, rear shock @ $45/pc and top mounting kit (top insulator?) @ $55 for each side.

But are Paraut shocks good? Anyone use it before or know where is it made?

Offline jonpaul0104

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 08:22:25 AM »
Thanks for the clarification.

TCM's $690+ for all front & rear shocks, although more attractive than outside WS, is still very costly. The Paraut is much cheaper as quoted by Mandarin Auto: front shock @ $65/pc, rear shock @ $45/pc and top mounting kit (top insulator?) @ $55 for each side.

But are Paraut shocks good? Anyone use it before or know where is it made?

yup...cheaper than TCM.....but labour cost will be abt $200....and not forgetting TCM provides 1yr or 20Kkm warranty....

for me, i prefer stock items cos intending to drive car till finish current coe in 3yrs time....

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 11:38:20 PM »
Yes, you are right. I forgot the 1 year or 20,000km parts and service warranty.

I also intend to drive till end of current coe..

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2012, 12:46:56 AM »
yes...i did replace the top mount (insulator) damage $ no need change....just realised that the mileage that they keyed into their system is wrong....should be 143783km instead of 173783km.....cos my mileage now is 156xxxkm....
yup...cheaper than TCM.....but labour cost will be abt $200....and not forgetting TCM provides 1yr or 20Kkm warranty....

for me, i prefer stock items cos intending to drive car till finish current coe in 3yrs time....

I took up the TCM shock absorber package on 21 feb 12 and they up the price liao. For the same job the total price now, including the top insulator, is $715.57.

Offline Tony76

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2012, 10:00:37 PM »

I took up the TCM shock absorber package on 21 feb 12 and they up the price liao. For the same job the total price now, including the top insulator, is $715.57.
So they removed the 500plus poster at their svc centre?

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2012, 07:14:00 PM »
No, package is $585 but price excludes the top insulators.

jonpaul0104 spent $690.96 (see post #06) for the same job as mine, ie. the shock absorber package plus the additonal top insulators which were not included in the package.

Offline jonpaul0104

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2012, 08:07:56 PM »
No, package is $585 but price excludes the top insulators.

jonpaul0104 spent $690.96 (see post #06) for the same job as mine, ie. the shock absorber package plus the additonal top insulators which were not included in the package.

Maybe they charge u labour for replacing the top insulators?

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2012, 08:33:45 PM »
Maybe they charge u labour for replacing the top insulators?

No additional labour charge. Breakdown showed each top insulator cost $68.20 but a discount of 10% was given before they add on the GST.

Offline Tony76

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2012, 11:02:12 PM »
No, package is $585 but price excludes the top insulators.

jonpaul0104 spent $690.96 (see post #06) for the same job as mine, ie. the shock absorber package plus the additonal top insulators which were not included in the package.
ok thanks bro!

Offline space2638

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2012, 12:01:49 AM »
Bro I just came across this thread. Hope to contribute what I know...

Regarding Paraut shock absorbers: They are of an awfully poor quality. I changed the rear shock absorbers to Paraut shock absorbers for my Latio Sports less than half a year ago - and BOTH of the shock absorbers have started to leak very badly in less than half a year. I was totally shocked. I got it from Man**rin Auto which you mentioned above for the same price. IMHO, not worth it at all. One shock absorber leak I still can accept - as it may be a manufacturing glitch. but BOTH? NO way. When I called up Man**rin Auto to highlight this issue, they explained that the warranty is only valid for ONE WEEK, and subsequently HUNG UP rudely.

I have just replaced the low quality Paraut shock absorbers today - this time, back to the original Nissan (Made In Japan) shock absorber. The price difference was just very slighty pricier. I got the original Nissan rear shock absorbers even cheaper than the KYB Excel-G!

Do PM me if you'd like to know where I picked up the shock absorbers. Cheers!

Offline ahjie

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Re: Help Needed - Latio Suspension & O2 Sensor
« Reply #17 on: February 29, 2012, 12:10:48 PM »
Thanks space2638 for the info and PM.

I am glad I didn't go for Paraut shocks after all (also thanks to jonpaul0104).

I also bought the O2 sensor from Man**rin Auto and they told me no warranty given for it. Luckily it works fine..  :smile: