Been a happy owner of Latio sports(hatchback) for the past 7 years. The car has not been giving any big problem, just some wear and tear repair.
Now itchy start looking for new cars but realize all the good things I like in Latio hatchback is hardly available any other models. The spacious leg room both front and back legroom(especially the rear legroom where my 8 year old can still sit in btw the gap to play, the big boot, the keyless start, the foldable and also sliding rear seat, the reletively flat floor, etc. the spaciousness of Latio which I took for granted for years now cannot be found in vw golf, Audi a3, bmw1, although these are more latest model with even longer body.
So which next car can provide similar features as Latio hatchback? I love hatchback and still prefer it if possible.
Sadly there is no Latio sport replacement model from nassian itself.