My Latio gb 1 time I replace.. suey lorh.. Exactly after the warranty expired from Nissan.. the next month I kena problem.
Bloody Nissan say no parts and must wait for 3 months..Some more Nissan say the cost of REPLACING the entire GB was 24K. SIOW!!
Finally I went to my old technician and he he repaired for me at 5K. REALLY MAJOR ISSUE lorh.
The entire GB konk off.. needed to be replace but my tech say he have it fully serviced better.
Then after that after another 3 years got another GB problem.. Lucky this time only about 50 plus.. not so bad lah.
And again last month in August the GB again gave up. Car cannot move at all.RPM very high and so noise and car go only at 10KMH
But small thing and tech charged me only $250. Now ar bak to normal self.
But LATIO CAR --> REAR PASSENGER HAVE HUGE SPACE and boot also big. This is why I hold to it.
My car bought in 2008 and another 2 more years left. Now thinking if COE can go down, then either buy Toyota Sienta or
extend for another 5-10 years... depending on COE price.
But whatever it is lah, LATIO.. no car can compare in comfort.
My family tested many cars before we bought this Latio. Reas seating.. NO CAR CAN COMPARE.
Hope this helps.