bro, got a easier way to solve this.
i installed a led scanner on my dash to show that when i lock, it starts blinking.
when i dont, it doesn't light up. pretty neat device and it helps too. maybe you can consider this too.
hi vypez,
i am thinking of installing this also...
but on 2nd thoughts, i am thinking will this help?

because the fact that you forget to lock will also means u forget to check whether it is locked, in other words, you will might not check if the LED lights or not.

having said that, if you remember to check if the LED lights or not,
then you will remember to check if u lock ur door by just trying to open the door to check, or if u are distance away from the car, can just press the remote to lock again to make sure.
i think best will be auto-lock the door after say abt 30sec you off engine and close all door and key is not inside the car.
got such device?