Stain Removing Table
Beer : To be treated in neutral detergent solution rinsing.
Blood : Neutral detergent solution, dried up stains to treated several times.
Egg : To be treated in neutral detergent solution, rinsing.
Fruit juice, fruits, ketchup vegetables , jam, jelly, syrup : To be washed in neutral detergent solution, discoloration's to be treated with citric acid, well rinsing
Coffee, tea : Washing with neutral detergent solution, discoloration's to
be treated with citric acid, well rinsing.
Cacao, chocolate : To be rubbed with washing paste, rinsing with water.
Chewing gum : Swelling with ethyl alcohol, to be removed mechanically.
Ballpoint pens, felt-tip pen : To be dissolved with ethyl alcohol, dabbing, posttreatment with
detergent solution, rinsing.
Milk, cream : To be treated with detergent solution, rinsing.
Lipstick, shoe polish, oil , fat : To be dissolved with ethyl alcohol, dabbing, posttreatment with washing paste, well rinsing
Mustard, Wine, liquor : To be washed in detergent solution, treatment with citric
acid, well rinsing.
- donated by alvinphua