hi iagree, u sound like so confident in yr driving skills
..but hor..if u met the "plot" at Malaysia HW (just like my friend did on 1st day of Chinese new year), the "Kancil" in front jammed brake and short after that speed up again to get away...Make a guess, how many car behind got it......
Total 6 cars (with my friend on the 3rd placing), within second, my friend was offered the "Towing" service

===> Cost him RM$500 for less than 10km tow. And...he has to scrapped his 1.8 Altis (less than 3 yrs) and get back only $40k (Vs he bought at >$80k)...
Hello LatioR
i not fully agree. before i start my explaination below, i would like to emphasize to u guys that, the FC will be very lousy if we speed!!!
i am not very confident in my driving skills, i believe i am confident in my 'careful' to handle those drivers. we need to pay attention to observe their driving patterns. some drivers are lulu one, some drivers are slow motion one.... but i like those people who drive BM or Benz or any cars that can drive faster than me probably at least 160km/h, so that I can follow them and let them OPEN the road for me. BUT one thing to take note of, I will not speed to tail near him because I want to maintain the distance of at least 3 to 5 cars btw his car & my car (i am behind), why so? to have 'space' and 'reserve' for emergency, be careful is good. Precaution. Prevention is better than cure although we drive abit faster... I would say, Latio is very zai!!! Stable & firm esply with better grip tyres, it's more zai on the road.
We need to adjust ourselves to different type of situations & enviroment. e.g. road conditions, weathers, those drivers' patterns (fast or slow driving) and so on. alot of factors. But, i don't think i can be PERFECT, i am just trying my best to be careful nia.
Sorry ya, this is my 20cents view only.
Btw, poorer FC hor, 10.5km/L only for my last tank (from KL to JB 2ndlink) but it is ok... :)