Hi all,
I am a new car owner & i'm new to this forum and i am completely lose in knowing what to get for my new "wife"

After reading and researching... this is wat i have consoildate and i like to share with all other newbies
*experts>> u can correct me if i am wrong.. & ur inputs are much wanted =D

Basic Things to have when u get ur car
-Freebies from your agent... Like Touch up pen (wat is it??!!)
-Season parking 1st (to park at ur HDB.)
-parking coupons (in case u need to lim teh with friends to celebrate the arrival of new Wife"
-1 street directory
-Plans to get 3M car mat .. (unless ur agent gave them to u liao)
-a pail to wash car
-Car wash (turtle Zip) & Wash mitt
-car wax & Wax Applicator & Micro Fiber cloth
-water repellent agent for windows and windscreen
-Anything for interior??
Some questions here that i still cant find answers to them ..
1)what is a touch up pen?
2)what are the freebies that your agent will give when u collect your car?
3)Any good place to get Good Cleaning materials (car wash, wax, repellent, application, cloths,etc) - CAn buy from 1 place one ? (Latioboy ?haha) . . So far i heard is from Carrerfour Suntec - Rain-X Ultra Wax, Rain-X windscreen,turtle car wash.
4)What cloths can i use for wash, wax, windscreen? Do i need to use wash mitt to wash car, applicator to apply wax, fiber cloth to buff wax, then wat to apply windscreen?? or i just can mix the cloths?
5) anything for interiors?