Bro, hope u din kena "ketuk", wat is mileage nw? Normally recommended to change coolant every 40K.. u said ur coolant is "dark" (or claimed by the guy), is it really dark/or black? Normal coolant is green in colour, normally will change more "cloudy" after long use..
For me, I am on NPMP, so don hv to worry when to change, it is changed every 40K i tink..
The level is lower during morning cos it is cooler/temperature is lower... if u find the level going lower and lower after few days, then better check for leakage, cos it will "burst"/big leaked and ur engine will overheat.
First of all, thanks to all the buddies' replies to this topic.
I will try to observe this evening to see is there any 'green water' on the floor. If yes, meaning leakage.
Hi lyh1280, why 40k then change? If anytime we noticed the coolant is no longer in 'green', shld chg right?
How do we topup the water to the coolant reservior if we notice it's not at the Max level? Or we fill-up/topup water from Radiator there (open the radiator cap then pour water in?)
Leakage will KO the gasket & engine (overheat) also?
Oh, I do not know whether it is really dark or not but it's just at the level btw the Min & Max, and the color is no longer 'green green', it's like "loh loh" (blur & dim in color, may be "cloudy" is the word to use to describe?), so i let him change for me because it's just coolants, so i think it shld be ok. BUT, one thing that i am worrying is their skill? How do we know they change the coolant for us with the right skill? Do they have enough knowledge for Latio's coolant & tangki (radiator?) reservoirs?
My ride is now abt 21000 km liao. I didn't check this morning! Will check again this evening & let u guys know abt it.
What is NPMP?
To detach8, had no coolant at all? That's scary right? It shldnt happen.... without coolant and the entire gasket KO? I will make it as habit to check the car every week...!!! Thanks for sharing info./knowledge.
So, the guy chg my coolant when it's warm (bad idea), sux, i shld not let him chg also since it's warm (i felt that too but since he suggested then i take it aso and RM16 is not very expensive? i donno the mkt price, i thk if we chg ourself, may be it cost abt S$3 or so per bottle? How easy to get it chg ourself?)
I think i got to check the following later:
1) the Radiator (make sure water still full?)
2) the coolant level (leaking)
3) chk the floor (wet floor mean coolant leaking)
FYI, i drove the car from JB (chg coolant@JB) to KL , drove abt 300km+
Then drove back fr KL to SG, another 380km.
So far so good, none of the "lights" are on. So i presume it's ok. But, the only thing i wonder is why the coolant reservoir's water level drop abt 1inch from the Max level!!!
Hi darrylker , you change at TCM? FOC? What package you took from them? Haiya, i spent my own RM32 (abt S$13) for that coolant, quite silly lah! Sigh! I am thinking to go TCM for servicing for my next service. Shld be around 28000km, now still have abt 6000km i think! How? Sigh! Must take care of our ride, i think go to service at TCM is the best if the package is not more than S$300/= or S$400/=! Worth to let TCM handles as it is for our own SAFETY and peace of MIND!!! Do you guys agree???