8 months owning Latio sedan 4AT and many problems occur.

1)Whole interior lots of rattling noise.
2)Aircon not cold even at 18 degree
3)Sterring wheel turning got sound.
4)Engine noise becomes loud.
Sent to TCM and did the following
1)Insulate A pillar panel,side dashboard and center dashboard
2)resercure driver side aircon vent
3)Change snap ring for steering.
4)Change aircon cooling coil,thermo sensor and cavuum.Reset aircon system.
5)Change body comb,evaporator assy and amplifier.
Good thing is the advisory attend to all my problem,
now Car is back to normal like day 1,,,But the issue is "Is Latio really that reliable"

Don't know when problem will start again.
My previous Corolla G9 at least will last longer before problem occur.