"...all RON rating does not contribute to FC or performance or spoil your engine."
With reference to the above statement, sometimes one needs to take published articles with a pinch of salt, as publications, whether on line or on paper, are all profit driven and they have their bottom line to take care of. Some articles are also "Sponsored" and are actually paid articles.
While it may be possible to feed your car a lower RON petrol than the recommended RON, doing this on a long term basis may ruin and damage your engine.
If "all RON rating does spoil your engine," does that mean Ferrari owners can safely using 92RON for their engines on a long term basis without causing any damages to the engine in the long run? Ferrrai owner manual states a minimum RON of 98 for their engines.
With regards to "...all RON rating does not contribute to FC (fuel consumption) or performance," perhaps forumers may wish to share their personal experiences?
I know that 92RON is definitely safe to use for Latio.
However, I have read about some forumers complaining that 92RON petrol is lacking in power.
Many have also been advised by Tan Chong Motors to pump at least 95RON for their Latio even though the Latio owner manual states a minimum RON of 91 for Latio.