Author Topic: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?  (Read 43200 times)

Offline clarence

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2008, 10:47:09 AM »
My uncle pumps 92RON ESSO for his Cefiro 230JM V6. When not started for days, (about 2 or 3 days) the engine will experience minor knocking within the first few strokes.... all oil and fluid levels were within the acceptable range... think u guys might want to take note.

SG's petrol has more sulphur in it than japan's one and perhaps... PERHAPS more impurities as compared to the Japan rating.. so if the rating in our manual says 91.... it would be safer to 'plus plus' to 95; since the manual is based on the japan high-quality fuel. 95 is the best.... value for $$$ and good mileage, though i've been starting to pump ESSO 98 since the petrol price went down over the last month. Cheers!

For this, you have to consult LatioClub's in-house petrol expert, Jazz.    :devil2:

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2008, 02:39:40 PM »

 :confused1: :confused1: :confused1:

Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 02:48:06 PM by Jazz »

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2008, 02:47:25 PM »

Alex,  ::)

To keep the story short, if you have no knowledge of the publishing business, there are times when advertisers pay publications like motoring magazines to write good reviews about their products.

For example, a distributor of a "fuel saving" product may arrange for a motoring magazine's Reviewer's car to be fitted with their "Wonderful" fuel saving device for free.

Of course, the Reviewer, in return, would write an amazing and convicing review of the product, even if it's just another white elephant. And probably just quoting a very minor 'Not-So-Good' aspect of the product, to disguise it from being called a "Paid Review or Advertisement."

You really are making a fool out of yourself replying unrelated issue to the title indicated. We have been discussing if different RON able to use and now you are deviated again for fuel saving product ?  :out:

You are constantly giving wrong info and misleading car owners on your own belief without any backup proof and facts.

Lastly is a legal issue if you copied articles without quoting them to use on your own essay. If you have no calibre to write profound sentence, pls quote the originator. And pls do not become a PCW and worst still a non-knowleagable one. I just wonder how old are you behind the monitor screen as a phantom forum surfer maintaining your ego in senseless explanation.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 08:45:50 PM by Jazz »


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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #63 on: October 25, 2008, 10:47:37 PM »
I just got my Latio ride in early Oct and about to hit 1K. I have just started to use RON92 for the last tank and have not encountered any knocking problem. Did not notice any significant differences between 92 and 95. My previous car was VIOS and have been driving with RON92 since day 1. No problem whateverso except that VIOS fuel consumption was far more impressive than Latio. I was getting 14.5k/l for the manual VIOS. I think the auto should be around 13.5k/l but I am only getting 12.8k/l for my Latio.

Offline clarence

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #64 on: October 26, 2008, 07:01:11 PM »
To the best of my knowledge, Vios shares the same 1.5l 1NZ-FE engine as the Japan assembled 2000 model, 9th generation Toyota Corolla, and min RON requirement is 95.

What min RON requirement did your Vios owner's manual state?

Or did you retard your Vio's timing to allow it to accept lower RON petrol?

Offline felixmiao

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #65 on: October 27, 2008, 06:43:51 PM »
this is to reply base on my own previous car was H.City 2004 IDSI which only req. RON 91 (stated in the manual) n i pumped the Caltex RON 92 since the very first day i got my car..I have tried RON 97 occasionally too coz some petrol station like Petronas dun hav RON 92 petrol..from wat i noticed is there are really no difference for both of the petrol...i can't feel any power lack for RON 92 n more power for RON 97...even the mileage r the same for both..they r just the same...the only different is i save more for RON 92 (when the fuel price at the highest is RM2.75 for RON 97 n RM2.6 for RON 92 - which mean i saved 15 cents for every litre i pump in..n averagely i pump 40 litre per tank...tat is about RM 6 saving per tank) after the car served me about 3 years n 9 months...the performance i stil the same...the most important thing is u must maintain ur car well...change the engine oil follow the schedule...ensure the tyre r not never failed me becoz of the engine prob...(but it let me down becoz of the aircon not cold at all) mayb i m heng only lah...i dunno...but i m stil usin the RON 92 for my latio since day one lah...n i m comfortable with the performanc n also the FC too...anyway judge for urself lah...if u feel tat by using RON 97 is better then u mah stick to RON 97 loh..tat's ur money no need to argue one lah...btw i dun care wat ppl tellin me about how good is the RON 97 or 98...i know better for the car long as u happy lah...cheer :) btw i m from Malaysia - Penang.

Offline clarence

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #66 on: October 27, 2008, 07:31:15 PM »
I think there's no issues for your City and Latio to begin with, as their min RON requirement is 91 RON.

My concern is pumping a lower RON that what your owner's manual states.

Offline felixmiao

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #67 on: October 27, 2008, 08:11:10 PM »
but i dun think we can stil find any brand of petrol that selling the petrol RON which is lower than RON 92 in either M'sia or S'pore liao...i think the lowest is the RON 92 de....mayb in T'land is different case lah where u can stil find the RON 91 petrol...that is y most of our car manual stated the min RON is 91 coz in T'land their lowest petrol RON is 91...n most of our car r 'imported' from T'land one (like the 'T' n 'H' brand) :D

Offline Jazz

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #68 on: October 27, 2008, 10:19:25 PM »
this is to reply base on my own previous car was H.City 2004 IDSI which only req. RON 91 (stated in the manual) n i pumped the Caltex RON 92 since the very first day i got my car..I have tried RON 97 occasionally too coz some petrol station like Petronas dun hav RON 92 petrol..from wat i noticed is there are really no difference for both of the petrol...i can't feel any power lack for RON 92 n more power for RON 97...even the mileage r the same for both..they r just the same...the only different is i save more for RON 92 (when the fuel price at the highest is RM2.75 for RON 97 n RM2.6 for RON 92 - which mean i saved 15 cents for every litre i pump in..n averagely i pump 40 litre per tank...tat is about RM 6 saving per tank) after the car served me about 3 years n 9 months...the performance i stil the same...the most important thing is u must maintain ur car well...change the engine oil follow the schedule...ensure the tyre r not never failed me becoz of the engine prob...(but it let me down becoz of the aircon not cold at all) mayb i m heng only lah...i dunno...but i m stil usin the RON 92 for my latio since day one lah...n i m comfortable with the performanc n also the FC too...anyway judge for urself lah...if u feel tat by using RON 97 is better then u mah stick to RON 97 loh..tat's ur money no need to argue one lah...btw i dun care wat ppl tellin me about how good is the RON 97 or 98...i know better for the car long as u happy lah...cheer :) btw i m from Malaysia - Penang.

Nice to see your short FR based on different RON. This will further shut the smart alec mouth of different RON contribute to FC and power.  :thumbsup:

Offline LatioR

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #69 on: October 28, 2008, 11:26:58 PM »
this is to reply base on my own previous car was H.City 2004 IDSI which only req. RON 91 (stated in the manual) n i pumped the Caltex RON 92 since the very first day i got my car..I have tried RON 97 occasionally too coz some petrol station like Petronas dun hav RON 92 petrol..from wat i noticed is there are really no difference for both of the petrol...i can't feel any power lack for RON 92 n more power for RON 97...even the mileage r the same for both..they r just the same...the only different is i save more for RON 92 (when the fuel price at the highest is RM2.75 for RON 97 n RM2.6 for RON 92 - which mean i saved 15 cents for every litre i pump in..n averagely i pump 40 litre per tank...tat is about RM 6 saving per tank) after the car served me about 3 years n 9 months...the performance i stil the same...the most important thing is u must maintain ur car well...change the engine oil follow the schedule...ensure the tyre r not never failed me becoz of the engine prob...(but it let me down becoz of the aircon not cold at all) mayb i m heng only lah...i dunno...but i m stil usin the RON 92 for my latio since day one lah...n i m comfortable with the performanc n also the FC too...anyway judge for urself lah...if u feel tat by using RON 97 is better then u mah stick to RON 97 loh..tat's ur money no need to argue one lah...btw i dun care wat ppl tellin me about how good is the RON 97 or 98...i know better for the car long as u happy lah...cheer :) btw i m from Malaysia - Penang.

Hi bro Felix (i guess u sb guy right? as my friend carry the same name who is guy :D), Just switch from SPC98 to Esso (5000) and not really see big different (it's just on my 2nd tank), i'm a die hard of SPC98 since i own the car 3 yrs ago (even with >14yrs old car corrolla i've previously)...My trial will eventually prove that i'm waste of $$$$ to go for 98 (though lower grade is equally good)...will try 2 more tanks to decide (last 2 tanks pump abt 50% with Esso 5000 and 50% with Esso F1,98 in Malaysia)

**Me from Penang too...Bukit Mertajam..Permatang Tinggi (to be exact)..Glad to meet fellow friend from Penang here in Latio Club

Offline clarence

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #70 on: October 28, 2008, 11:54:40 PM »
I'm using Esso 95 too.  :smile:

I tried Shell VPower once and there was not much of a differrence in power.

95RON is a value-for-money petrol to pump for family sedan like Latio.  :thumbsup:

Cheaper than 98RON by 8 cents per litre.  :thumbsup:

Offline felixmiao

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #71 on: October 31, 2008, 07:16:02 PM »
bro LatioR...ya i m definitely a 'Guy' ;) very man somemore...kekeke...jk ya..i m glad to see some penang kia here fact...i m an ordinary ppl n earning very little income to feed myself only (stil S.A.D = Single, Available, n Desperate leh) i hav to find way to reduce the expanses on the car especially the petrol price now is goin up like no body business..thanks to our 'G' i got no choice but to use my own car as a white mouse to test out which petrol is the best for my ride..i got no scientific method to prove one lah but only base my own feeling n daily usage i dare not to said tat what i felt is the correct one...just to share some of my experience n hope it would benefit to others :) at the end of the's all depend on u own whether u satisfy or not...cheer :)

p/s: in Malaysia, i think only Caltex offer the same addictive (Techron) for both the Silver (RON92) n also Gold (RON97) i think they will do the same to clean ur engine as well. (i m not a Caltex saleman or petrol station owner ah ;) kekeke)

Offline MadMatty

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Re: Can pump RON 92 petrol for Latio?
« Reply #72 on: October 31, 2008, 08:33:46 PM »
I'm using Esso 95 too.  :smile:

I tried Shell VPower once and there was not much of a differrence in power.

95RON is a value-for-money petrol to pump for family sedan like Latio.  :thumbsup:

Cheaper than 98RON by 8 cents per litre.  :thumbsup:

Honestly unless the car is a sport car, I seriously doubt there is much of a difference btwn the different RON...