Singapore Nissan Owners Group
Nissan Car Lounge - Almera, Juke, Latio, Qashqai, Sylphy, Teana Owners => Qashqai => Topic started by: pizzaboy on June 11, 2017, 01:09:39 PM
Hello to all the proud owners of Nissan Qashqai 1.2/ 1.3/ 2.0 owners. We have a whatsapp group that is dedicated solely for Qashqai owners.
Qashqains who wish to join the group can PM me with your mobile number.
Warm welcome to all new Qashqains who have just gotten their rides recently and wishes to join the Qashqai Owners Group.
PM me for link to join our whatsapp group.
Good day Qashqains
As whatsapp has increased their groupchat capacity from 257 to 512 members, as such we are now able to accomodate more members into the group.
Kindly PM me to be added into the group.
Good day fellow Qashqains
Join the Qashqai Owners Group whatsapp groupchat for faster response and answers to all your Qashqai queries. The group consist of more than 300+ members with vast experience & poison to share with everyone.
Click on the link: to join us now!